Victory of friendship and brotherhood

Theses of Report
Regional Scientific-Practical Conference «Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region»
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Regional Scientific-Practical Conference «Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region»
Amanbibi Klycheva 1 , Ogulbeg Ovezova 1 , Miakhridzhamal Mommyeva 1
Work direction:
Specificity of Professional Activity of Psychological and Pedagogic Stuff in the Educational System
Received: 30 April 2022

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1 Turkmenskii gosudarstvennyi institut fizkul'tury i sporta
For citation:
Klycheva A., Ovezova O., & Mommyeva M. (2022). Victory of friendship and brotherhood. Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region, 42-45. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


Turkmenistan during the years of the Great Patriotic war. Relief of the working people of Turkmenistan to front. Turkmenistan supported considerable assistance to the population liberated from the fascist’s occupation. In the first days of the war in Turkmenistan were satisfied applications of three thousand volunteers. Two cavalry divisions and 87 and 88 rifle battalions formed and sent to the front. 78 Turkmen warriors were awarded the rank of the hero of the Soviet Union and 15 soldiers were awarded Order of Fame of the third degree. Methods of the research were the materials of the collection of documents of the Great Patriotic war. Turkmenistan has made worthy contribution to the Victory over fascism as well as other peoples lived in the USSR.


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  2. 2. СССP в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 (Краткая хроника). – М., 1970.
  3. 3. История Туркменистана. – Ашхабад: ТДНГ, 2011.
  4. 4. Гельдиев С. Смелые хорошо известны в поле битвы / С. Гельдиев // Дияр. – 2017. – №5.


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