Programma-trenazhior rascheta nadezhnosti odnokonturnykh sistem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniia

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-105034
Open Access
Monograph «Topical issues of pedagogy and psychology»
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Monograph «Topical issues of pedagogy and psychology»
Nina A. Sizova 1 , Nikita A. Osmakov 1 , Sergei A. Elkov 1
Work direction:
Глава 5
Received: 29 December 2022

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1 FGBOU VO "Samarskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet"


The chapter describes the developed program has been developed that allows you to design single-loop automatic control systems, calculate their reliability, while simultaneously checking the user's knowledge in the field of design and ability to navigate in modern technical automation systems. When developing the program, modern software was used, namely «Visual Studio». While using the program, the user designs single-circuit automatic control systems according to such parameters as: temperature, pressure, level, flow. After designing each of the systems, the program allows the user to calculate its reliability. During the use of the program by the user, at each of its stages, if the user does not have enough knowledge, the program reports this, stops working and sends him to study the theoretical material. After completing the work, the user, through the program, must save to the computer an image with all the results obtained during the execution of the work, on which it will be indicated in the form of a watermark that all the work has been done correctly. The image can be saved to the path specified by the user in the «PNG» format. To run the program, you need a computer with Windows 7 or newer operating system, NET.Framework version 4.5 or newer. The program is portable, does not require installation, which allows it to be easily scaled to an audience with several computers, it is also worth noting that the program is small, for the time being, the size of the program is less than 5 MB, which allows it to be sent to students who are unable to attend classes via the Internet.


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