Features of mnemic activity in children with ZPR: results of an experimental study

Research Article
EDN: EVUSLQ DOI: 10.31483/r-108579
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 6
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International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 6
Olga N. Bykova 1 , Elena M. Sugoniaka 1
Work direction:
Psychology in Education
Received: 2 November 2023 / Accepted: 12 December 2023 / Published: 20 December 2023

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1 Chuvash State Pedagogical University
For citation:
Bykova O. N., & Sugoniaka E. M. (2023). Features of mnemic activity in children with ZPR: results of an experimental study. Development of education, 6(4), 66-73. EDN: EVUSLQ. https://doi.org/10.31483/r-108579
UDC 159.9


The purpose of the study is to identify the features of mnemic activity as part of its structural components in older preschool children with mental retardation. Tasks: to identify typical and individual features of the development of mnemic activity in children with mental retardation in comparison with their normally developing peers; to identify specific features in the development of indicators of each structural component of mnemic activity in children developing normally and with mental retardation. The hypothesis of the study: mnemic activity as part of its structural components in 5-6-year-old children with mental retardation is characterized by specific features in comparison with normatively developing children. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the research problem, ascertaining experiment, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained, methods of their interpretation. Results of the study: the paper presents a comparative characteristic of the features of mnemic activity as part of its three components: motivational, target, operational and technical in children 5-6 years old with ZPR and their peers of the normative variant of ontogenesis. It has been established that children aged 5-6 years with mental retardation have a lower level of MD compared to normative preschoolers. In the structure of mnemonic activity, the “leading” component is the motivational one: preschoolers with mental retardation exhibit a stable, emotionally positive attitude towards accepting the task and the content of the mental activity. The target component is characterized by a lack of understanding of the meaning of the activity being carried out, as well as the mnemonic task itself, the inability to independently accept and maintain the goal of remembering, extremely low values of the volume of reproduced information. The operational and technical component of this type of activity is very weak: there is a dominance of mnemonic techniques of a mechanical nature, or their absence, as well as poor awareness of them, making a large number of errors during reproduction, lack of independence in performing the proposed tasks, turning to an adult for help in the process of control and MD assessments, or refusal of activities.


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