On the Issue of Teaching Bioethics and the Basics of Law in Medical Higher Education Institutions
Book Chapter

- Published in:
- Monograph «Modern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results»
- Authors:
- Gaziz I. Avkhodiev 1 , Natalia V. Zimina 1 , Mikhail L. Kot 1 , Iuliia N. Viatkina 1
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Pages:
- 49-61
- Received: 24 January 2024
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 663
- Published in:
1 FGBOU VO "Chitinskaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia"
DOI: 10.31483/r-109928
The chapter examines the issues of teaching bioethics and the basics of law in medical higher educational institutions related to the causes of the formation of bioethics as a new direction of ethical teaching and conditions that have influenced close interaction with law.
In modern bioethics and the foundations of law, the following research methods are applicable: theoretical, pedagogical experiment, observation, comparison, testing, method of scientific analysis, analysis of legal norms.
The rapid growth in the number of declarations and documents not only of an ethical nature, but also normative legal acts, both laws and subordinate acts, complicate professional medical activities. It is often difficult for practitioners to navigate these constantly changing conditions, which inevitably leads to certain errors in the interpretation and application of these professional standards. The documents adopted by national and international professional medical associations have already led to the formation of medical legislation, which, in turn, determines the growth of interest in a new direction of legal science - medical law - one of the branches of bioethics designed to protect human rights in science and medicine, i.e. consideration of the problems of the ratio of bioethics and law as a new field of science. There is often a discrepancy between the relevant regulatory legal acts and federal ones, which leads to certain legal conflicts, and as a result, the unreasonableness of claims and even accusations against practitioners.
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