Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-112850
Open Access
Monograph «Issues of modern design education»
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Monograph «Issues of modern design education»
Evgenii N. Grigorev 1 , Ainur R. Khaibullin 1
Work direction:
Глава 11
Received: 31 August 2024

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1 Ufa University of Science and Technology
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The chapter outlines the need for pedagogical design of the educational process, the introduction of digital technologies, and reveals its bimodality – traditional implementation and digital (electronic and distance learning). Some existing models of pedagogical design are described, and the features of their implementation are revealed. The material and technical conditions that contribute to the effective implementation of the bimodal educational process are described.


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  6. 6. Токарева А.В. Педагогический дизайн и пути его развития / А.В. Токарева // Психология и педагогика: методика и проблемы практического применения. – 2008. – №4. С. 78–83. – EDN RULZHJ
  7. 7. Курносова С.А. Теоретико-педагогические предпосылки проблемы подготовки студентов вуза к проектированию педагогического дизайна / С.А. Курносова // Фундаментальные исследования. – 2011. – №12–4. – С. 747–751.
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