Research on the creation concept of "beautiful material and skillful workmanship" in modern product design

DOI: 10.31483/r-112874
Open Access
All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation «The Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice»
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All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation «The Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice»
Ying dong Wu 1 , Ariunaa Shajinbat 2
Work direction:
Вопросы культурологии
Received: 3 September 2024

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1 Mongol'skii universitet postvysshego obrazovaniia
2 Institut filosofii Mongol'skoi akademii nauk
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In contemporary society, product design is no longer limited to simple functional considerations, but has gradually evolved into a comprehensive discipline that integrates art, technology and humanities. As the three core elements of product design, material, aesthetics and technology play a vital role in shaping product shape, improving user experience and transmitting cultural connotation. This paper aims to deeply explore the creation concept of "material beauty and workmanship" in product design, through the analysis of Chinese traditional creation concept and pragmatic aesthetics, as well as the study of the post-industrial era and personalized consumption trend, combined with the relationship between materials, aesthetics and technology in modern product design, to explore its application value in contemporary product design. It is hoped that these studies can provide useful inspiration and reference for the development and innovation of product design field.


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