Problems of management theory development in educational publications (incisive analysis on the basis of I.V. Ponkin's tutorial «Theory of public administration»)

Research Article
EDN: RMDZJQ DOI: 10.31483/r-33274
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
Aleksandr A. Kiselev 1
Work direction:
Analysis and reviews
Received: 4 September 2019

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1 ФГБОУ ВО «Ярославский государственный технический университет»
For citation:
Kiselev A. A. (2019). Problems of management theory development in educational publications (incisive analysis on the basis of I.V. Ponkin's tutorial «Theory of public administration»). Development of education, 48-51. EDN: RMDZJQ.
UDC 351


The article is devoted to the problems of management theory development in educational publications. The author emphasizes that today one of the problems of various educational publications is a formal approach to their preparation and provision of educational material. I.V. Ponkin's tutorial «Theory of public administration» was used as the basis of the analysis. The author comes to the conclusion that at the present time there is a need to prepare and give such a tutorial on management, which would be based on the scientific positions of the management theory and create a basis for graduates in the formation of their managerial competencies in accordance with the Federal state educational standards of higher education and professional standards.


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  4. 4. Litvak, B. G. (2004). Razrabotka upravlencheskogo resheniia., 416. M: Delo.
  5. 5. Ponkin, I. V. (2016). Obshchaia teoriia publichnogo upravleniia: Pravovye osnovy, tseli, printsipy, instrumenty, modeli i kontsepty publichnogo upravleniia: Lektsionnyi kurs., 252. M.: Buki Vedi.
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