Culture-Specific Concept of Crimea in a Regional Linguocultural Dictionary
Research Article

- Published in:
- International academic journal «Development of education»
- Author:
- Roman V. Zabashta 1
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Pages:
- 13-18
- Received: 15 November 2019
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 4438
- Published in:
- doaj РИНЦ
For citation:
Zabashta R. V. (2019). Culture-Specific Concept of Crimea in a Regional Linguocultural Dictionary. Development of education, 13-18. EDN: WOAJBY.
UDC 81'42: 81'37
DOI: 10.31483/r-53767
The article describes the formation of the Crimean regional version of the Russian literary language and the principles of compiling a regional linguocultural dictionary. The main problem addressed in the study is the application of functional-semantic description techniques and the ideas of geo-russistics to the practice of compiling a new type of linguocultural dictionary describing the regional version of the Crimean Russian language and representing the basic elements of the regional concept sphere. The purpose of article is to analyze the concept «Crimean regional version of the Russian literary language» in relation to the task of compiling the Russian linguocultural dictionary of the Crimea. Methods: descriptive, comparison, analysis. The following principles are recognized as innovative concepts of the «Russian Linguocultural Dictionary of the Crimea»: interdisciplinarity, functional-semantic approach to considering the relationship between a concept and means of its vernal implementation, regionalism, ideographic principle of modeling the conceptual continuum of a dictionary, historical and cultural commentary.
The study examined the content of the term «regiolect», which is understood as a variant of the literary language formed in conditions of interacting with non-literary forms (dialect, vernacular, etc.) and / or other languages in the socio-cultural conditions of a particular region. As a result of the study, linguoculturological phenomena are presented as interpreted dictionary entries. The research results are important for the introduction of innovative teaching methods at schools and universities, as they develop the ideas of Crimean studies which are a new branch of regional pedagogy.
Funding Agency | Grant Number |
Russian Foundation for Basic Research | 17-04-00187 (а) |
Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект «Русский лингвокультурологический словарь Крыма» № 17-04-00187 (а). |
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