Formirovanie poznavatel'nykh universal'nykh uchebnykh deistvii pri ustanovlenii mezhpredmetnykh sviazei matematiki i fiziki v usloviiakh realizatsii obrazovatel'noi programmy srednego obshchego obrazovaniia

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-86180
Open Access
Авторская монография «Formation of Cognitive Universal Educational Actions in Establishing Intersubject Relations Between Mathematics and Physics in the Context of the Implementation of the Educational Program of Secondary General Education»
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Авторская монография «Formation of Cognitive Universal Educational Actions in Establishing Intersubject Relations Between Mathematics and Physics in the Context of the Implementation of the Educational Program of Secondary General Education»
Liudmila N. Snigireva 1
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Received: 18 August 2020

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1 MKOU "Litsei 7 imeni Shury Kozub s. Novo-Ivanovskogo"
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