Pedagogical Conditions for Formation of Infosecurity Culture in Computer Sciences and ICT Classes

- Published in:
- International Research-to-practice conference «Psychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects»
- Authors:
- Anastasiia V. Ponikarova 1 , Iuliia I. Bogatyreva 1
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Pages:
- 176-180
- Received: 24 October 2020
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1949
- Published in:
For citation:
Ponikarova A. V., & Bogatyreva I. I. (2020). Pedagogical Conditions for Formation of Infosecurity Culture in Computer Sciences and ICT Classes. Psychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects, 176-180. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
The article discusses the basic concepts in the field of information security of the personality of schoolchildren and the conditions for the formation of a culture of infosecurity during the period of schooling. The main pedagogical condition for the formation of a culture of infosecurity should be the organization of a safe information and educational environment in each educational organization. The next condition should be pedagogical influence, which is aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills to work with information not only in computer sciences and ICT lessons, but also at the creation of continuous experience of activities, starting from school age, to protect the individual from negative information.
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