Журнал «Этническая культура» Том 3, № 4

DOI: 10.31483/a-10325
Open Access
Этническая культура
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Этническая культура
Текущее состояние:
В архиве
Количество страниц:
Чувашский государственный институт культуры и искусств
«Лару-тăру» («Среда») издательство çурчě

О журнале

"Ethnic Culture" is an interdisciplinary scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal that presents the results of studies in the field of ethnic processes and phenomena. The journal publishes articles and debates on a wide range of issues related to methodological approaches to the study of ethnic cultures and their role in the history of human civilization; various aspects of crosslinguistic and intercultural communication; issues of cultural traditions preservation in the context of globalization and the transfer of ethnocultural experience to future generations.

The mission of the journal is to provide an opportunity for authors to familiarize a wide range of professionals with their ideas, and for readers to be aware of current issues of studying, preserving and developing ethnic cultures in the modern world.


  • 1. Специальная тема номера: языки и культура финно-угорских народов
  • 2. Этнография, этнология и антропология
  • 3. Фольклористика
  • 4. Этнокультурные проблемы образования
  • 5. Обзоры и рецензии
  • 8. Языки народов мира