Academic journal «Ethnic Culture»

ISSN 2713-1688 (print)
ISSN 2713-1696 (online)

Abbreviation: «Etnicheskaya kultura»
Transliterated title: «Etnicheskaya kultura»
International title in English: "Ethnic Culture"

Year of Foundation: 2019.

The frequency of journal output: 4 times a year.

The articles placed in journal are assigned DOI.

Papers are accepted for publication in Russian and English languages.

The journal publishes articles and debates on a wide range of issues related to methodological approaches to the study of ethnic cultures and their role in the history of human civilization; various aspects of crosslinguistic and intercultural communication; issues of cultural traditions preservation in the context of globalization and the transfer of ethnocultural experience to future generations.


  • Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
    The aim and the purpose of the section is to introduce to scientific community relevant studies on the history and modern state of ethnic groups throughout their evolution both generally and specifically (in terms of language, ecology, culture, lifestyle, mind and consciousness).
    Scientific specialization of the section:
    • 5.6.4. Ethnology, anthropology and ethnography
      Name of branches of science: Historical.
      Preferred research fields: ethnological regional studies; interethnic relations (including conflicts); ethnocultural studies (including ethnofolcloristics, ethnophilology, ethnomuseology); ethnodemography and ethnoecology; ethnosociology, ethnopsychology, ethnopolitology.
    • 5.6.1. Russian history
      Name of branches of science: Historical.
      Preferred research fields: history of development of culture, science and education of Russia and its regions and people.
  • World languages and literature
    The aim and the purpose of the section is to introduce to scientific community relevant researches on the interaction of lingual, ethno-cultural and ethno-psychological factors in the functioning and evolution of language.
    Scientific specialization of the section:
    • 5.9.1 Russian literature and literature of peoples of the Russian Federation
      Name of branches of science: Philological.
      Preferred research fields: literary local history and museology; the links of Russian literature with the literatures of the peoples of Russia; interaction of Russian and world literature, ancient and new; Russia and the West: their literary relationship.
    • 5.9.2 Literature of the peoples of the world
      Name of branches of science: Philological.
      Preferred research fields: genesis, development, functioning and typology of literary phenomena (genres, styles, forms, trends, trends, schools, techniques, images, themes, etc.) in the literatures of the peoples of the world; poetics of writers, literary works, tropes, techniques, genres, literary trends, trends, schools, artistic systems in the literatures of the peoples of the world; interaction and mutual influence of national literatures (including Russian literature with foreign literatures), their contact, genetic connections, typological similarities; the status of outstanding foreign writers of the past and present in national and world literature, the themes, problems and poetics of their work.
    • 5.9.4 Folklore studies
      Name of branches of science: Philological.
      Preferred research fields: verbal, verbal-musical, musical-choreographic, game and dramatic types of folk art (folklore); theory, history, textual studies of folklore; its classification and systematization; issues of its collection and archiving; study of the interaction of folklore and professional arts; methodology of folklore research; history of collecting and studying folklore.
    • 5.9.5 Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia
      Name of branches of science: Philological.
      Preferred research fields: historical-linguistic and ethno-cultural aspects of the study of onomastics of peoples' languages (toponymy, anthroponymy, and ethnonymy); traditions and innovations in the national-cultural specifics of verbal and nonverbal behavior of peoples; relations between language and culture, features of the perception of the world by different ethnic groups.
    • 5.9.8 Theoretical, applied and comparative-contrastive linguistics
      Name of branches of science: Philological.
      Preferred research fields: language in the context of culture; language research using methods of cultural studies, ethnology and anthropology; areal linguistics; language contacts; dialectology and linguistic geography.
  • Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
    The aim and the purpose of the section is to introduce the current pedagogical research based on interdisciplinary connections with anthropology, philosophy, cultural studies, and sociology to the scientific community.
    Scientific specialization of the section:
    • 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education
      Name of branches of science: Pedagogical.
      Preferred research fields: theories and concepts of education and ethno-cultural socialization. Pedagogical comparative studies. Studies of the state and trends in the development of pedagogical theory and practice of education in various countries and regions of the world. Anthropology of modern childhood. Family upbringing and education. Ethno-cultural pedagogical practices and innovations in education. Intercultural, ethno-cultural education in the modern world.
    • 5.8.7 Methodology and technology of professional education
      Name of branches of science: Pedagogical.
      Preferred research fields: regionalization of professional education in the conditions of a single educational space; construction of the content, methods and organizational forms of subject training and education in a modern globalizing society; national and regional specifics of educational systems; interaction of the theory, methodology and practice of training and education with ethnic culture; ethno-cultural concepts of education.

Chief editor: Natalya I. Baskakova   
Founder 1: BEI of HE "Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts" of the Ministry of Culture of the Chuvash Republic
Founder's address 1: 428023, Russia, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Entuziastov Street, 26.
Founder 2: Publishing house "Sreda", LLC
Founder's address 2: 428023, Russia, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Grazhdanskaya Street, 75, office 12.
Publisher: Publishing house "Sreda", LLC
Publisher's address: 428023, Russia, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Grazhdanskaya Street, 75, office 12.
Telephone number/Fax: +7 (8352) 655-731

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