Indexing and abstracting
In order to increase the availability of scientific publications the journal is placed in the international and Russian bases of citation in open repositories:
Higher attestation commission (VAK)
The list of peer-reviewed scientific publications where it is recommended to publish the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences.
eLIBRARY.RU – is one of the largest Russian digital libraries of scientific publications, which has a huge search capabilities and information receipt. This library is integrated with the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), fixing publication activity of both scientists and organizations.
CrossRef – is an international registry of scientific and information materials based on DOI technology. The main task of CrossRef is organization of user's access to primary publications, containing scientific content, and promoting teamwork of publishers. CrossRef uses DOI technology of open systems standards and is also the official DOI registration agency for educational and professional scientific publications.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) – international polythematic directory of open access journals. The purpose of this directory is to advance and promote the rapidly growing number of scientific open access journals, as well as enhancing the role of international movement "Open Acess Journals."
Russian State library (RSL)
Russian State library (RSL) – the largest library in the world, which includes a huge pool of domestic and foreign collections of documents in 367 languages. Easy search and availability of materials are carried out by specially developed electronic resources.
Lan Electronic Library System
The Lan Electronic Library System is a resource that includes both electronic versions of books by leading publishers of educational and scientific literature (including university publishers) and electronic versions of periodicals in various fields of knowledge.
Znanium Electronic Library System
The Znanium electronic library system is an information and educational environment for colleges, universities and libraries. Znanium provides services for providing online access to a large fund of educational and scientific literature.
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) is a German search service, which is the most powerful supplier of actual data on scientific publications of scientists in Europe.
ROAD, the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources. ROAD is a service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a search engine of author's scientific publications in which ranking of results for given combinations is possible (by author's rating, by the number of references to the article, by rating of articles that refer to the article found, rating of journals, which have referring articles; journal's ranking, in which the found article is posted).
WorldCat - is the world's largest electronic bibliographic catalogue, which includes more than 240 million records containing information about existing numerous writings storing in libraries around the world.
Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability. Data Providers are repositories that expose structured metadata via OAI-PMH. Service Providers then make OAI-PMH service requests to harvest that metadata. OAI-PMH is developed by the Open Archives Initiative.
Our company fully supports the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol 2.0. Metadata for all published articles is available via the OAI-PMH interface to interested Service Providers.
- Information about our repository
- To harvest records from repository
- To retrieve an abbreviated form of List Records, retrieving only headers rather than records of books and journals