Describing Subjective Infinitive Constructions in Lexicographic Sources (on the Example of the Udmurt)

Research Article
EDN: UOJEFW DOI: 10.31483/r-99826
Open Access
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture». Volume 3
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International academic journal «Ethnic Culture». Volume 3
Sergey A. Maksimov 1
Work direction:
Special Theme of the Issue: Languages and Culture of Finno-Ugric people
Received: 2 November 2021 / Accepted: 24 November 2021 / Published: 16 December 2021

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1 Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
For citation:
Maksimov S. A. (2021). Describing Subjective Infinitive Constructions in Lexicographic Sources (on the Example of the Udmurt). Ethnic Culture, 3(4), 22-31. EDN: UOJEFW.
UDC 811.511.131


The work is devoted to the actual problem of modern Udmurt lexicography – the issues of lexicography of combinations of a subject with an infinitive. The research material was composed of dictionaries of the Udmurt language. The work is based on a descriptive method. The purpose of the work is to study the transmission in Udmurt dictionaries of verb combinations expressing emotional and mental states and physiological phenomena in the form of infinitive combinations «subject + infinitive» and to suggest acceptable ways of their design. Udmurt lexicography has come a long way since its inception and achieved certain success. However, due to the lack of continuous work in this area, many problems remain unresolved. One of these problems is the registration in dictionaries of combinations associated with the expression of emotional and mental states and physiological phenomena. In living speech, such constructions often consist of a grammatical subject (yyr ‘head’, kӧt ‘belly’, lul ‘soul; breath’, vir ‘blood’, etc.) and a conjugated form of the verb, for example: yyr kur lue ‘me angry’, kӧt kurekte ‘I’m sad’, vir pote ‘blood flows, oozes’. In the Soviet period, the tradition of presenting verbs in dictionary entries in the form of an infinitive (affix -ny) was established in the Udmurt lexicography. Along with the publication of new dictionaries, the number of structures of the «subject + infinitive» type gradually began to increase, although the subject cannot enter into a syntactic connection with the infinitive, and such structures are not found in living speech. The paper describes possible ways to solve the problem under study, while for different groups of structures, slightly different solution models are proposed.


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