List of publications on a keyword: «organizational and pedagogical conditions»
Formation of ethnocultural competence of future managers of socio-cultural activities: main areas of student training
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 7 No 1- Author:
- Diana V. Vereialova
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- In this article the author analyzes the activities of teachers of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts in developing students’ ethnocultural competence. The research material is the results of the author’s observation of the process of professional training of managers of social and cultural activities. The observation was carried out according to such criteria as knowledge of material and spiritual-moral values of the ethnic community, traditions and rituals, nutrition, music, sports, ways of life support, geography of settlement; skills of correct behavior in situations of interethnic communication in accordance with the cultural characteristics of the interlocutor, including the choice of relevant means of verbal and non-verbal communication; personal qualities expressed in interest in certain cultural manifestations, the desire to join them. The development of the content of activities for the formation of students' ethnocultural competence is based on scientific and methodological research in the field of technology for training future leaders of amateur choreographic groups for stage interpretation of folk dance, technology for the formation and development of students' ethnic self-awareness, linguacultural and ethnopsychological features of the Chuvash mentality, technology for introducing students to folk art culture. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to integrate educational, research, cultural and educational activities, interaction with subjects of sociocultural activities, and innovative activities.
- Keywords:
- pedagogical conditions, technology, organizational and pedagogical conditions, ethnocultural competence, technologies of socio-cultural activities
Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Research Activities of University Students
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Svetlana M. Kachalova
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural and Socio-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The author outlines that in connection with the need to develop students' abilities and skills for organizing independent research activities, a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the organization of university students’ research activities is made, and the basic tasks of developing the students' ability to do research work are formulated. Methods of research. To diagnose the development of this quality, research methods such as questionnaires, analysis, and comparative evaluation were used. The study defined quality, based on which we can generate interest in students to do research activities – the ability to cognitive activity, awareness of actions, independent approach to creative problem solving, commitment to self-development and self-education. It is noted that for development of skills for doing research work it is recommended to engage students in the situations where it is necessary to find the solution to problems, help them to analyze qualitative changes and to predict the results of a particular process development. In the course of experimental work carried out by lecturers of the Lipetsk State Technical University, positive changes, indicating the development of the ability in students to do research activity in the process, organized to introduce students to research work at different stages of their training were identified.
- Keywords:
- activity, research activity, development, creative thinking, creative abilities, organizational and pedagogical conditions, Personal qualities, joint activity, independence
Metaparadigmal'nyi analiz uslovii formirovaniia sotsial'no-kul'turnoi aktivnosti zhenshchin vtorogo perioda zrelogo vozrasta
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Author:
- Aleksei A. Vinokurov
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The metaparadigmal approach to the analysis of conditions for the formation of social and cultural activity serves as a methodological basis for the study of modern transformations in the field of women's recreational leisure. Using this approach, new experimental data on effective conditions for the formation of subjective activity of women of the second period of adulthood, showing the importance of not only conditions, but also means of pedagogical regulation of social activity of women of mature age are presented in the article. The sources and incentives of manifestations of subjective activity as a complex structural formation of the individual that determine the selective, creative orientation of women in the field of recreational leisure are studied in detail. Ways of involving female workers of local self-government bodies in the system of healthy lifestyle and recreation practices were tested.
- Keywords:
- quality of life, scientific school of professor A, Zharkov, metaparadigmal approach, psychosomatic relaxation practices, organizational and pedagogical conditions of recreational leisure, women of the second period of adulthood, modeling of social and cultural activities, circumstances of the cause, social policy of the state