List of publications on a keyword: «смешанные методы обучения»
Otsenka netraditsionnykh i smeshannykh metodov obucheniia s tochki zreniia ustoichivosti vnimaniia obuchaiushchikhsia vysshei shkoly
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Ivan G. Nenakhov, Irina A. Iakimova, Iurii I. Stiopkin
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- This study presents the evaluation of use of blended and problem-based learning methods applied by members of the Department of Hygienic Disciplines of Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko in their teaching practice for the purpose of attention span decrease prevention during «cycle study sessions». The research involved 4th, 5th and 6th year students attending «Nutrition Hygiene» and «Legal basis of Rospotrebnadzor medical officer occupation» courses of the Department. The main study group included students, for whom blended and problem-based learning methods were applied during their study. The reference group included students tought by «classical methods». In order to analyse students' attention span, we used Bourdon’s methodology, which allows evaluating students' fatigue and performance capability within the dynamics of practical sessions and the entire «learning cycle». It was found that the use of the mix of learning methods in teaching practice results in the best possible attention span among students, and that fatigue develops faster for students undergoing classical learning. Based on the evidence found, the strategy for improvement of pedagogical process in higher education institutions was proposed.
- Keywords:
- pedagogical technologies, distance learning, problem-based learning, blended learning methods, situational tasks