List of publications on a keyword: «diaspora»
“The song helps us to build and to live”: the role and functions of the ethnic song in Moscow Chuvash and Mari diasporic groups
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 4- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The paper studies the role and functions of songs in an ethnic language in the life of representatives of the internal diaspora. The article is based on the results of sociolinguistic surveys conducted in Chuvash and Mari diasporas of the Moscow region in 2014–2017 and 2019–2021, respectively. The researcher employed the following sociolinguistic methods: direct observation, participant observation, structured interviews of respondents, documentary recording of responses, statistical data analysis. One of the blocks in the sociolinguistic questionnaire included such aspects as the language – in – culture and ethnic culture maintenance in the context of the vitality of ethnic language. Ethnic culture, along with the ethnic language, is one of the key markers of ethnic identity in both samples. As the results of the survey demonstrate, songs in Mari or Chuvash occupy a significant place in the respondents’ life. Several functions of the ethnic song were identified: adaptation to new living conditions; co-optation of new members (i. e., through cultural ethnic events); creative self-realization; language learning (i. e., ethnic songs used for educational purposes in language courses); initiation into language and culture for new speakers of Chuvash and Mari. The role of ethnic song in the revitalization of the language has been equally determined.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash language, ethnic culture, ethnic identity, Mari language, ethnic language, internal diaspora, sociolinguistic survey
Local history organizations in the study and preservation of the native language and ethnoculture of the Chuvash in the 1920s
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 2- Authors:
- Tikhon S. Sergeev, Ekaterina V. Agaeva
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The establishment of the Soviet power on the territory of the Russian empire led to a new system of values, activation of the population in all fields of the social life. In the sphere of museum building in the 1920s a noticeable role was played by such public scientific and educational associations as the Society for the Study of the Local Territory in Cheboksary (1921-1931) and the Society for the Study of Chuvash Culture in Moscow (1927-1931). The main aim of the article is to reveal the history of the formation and work of these organizations. The material is presented chronologically. Having established close contacts with scientific institutions throughout Russia and with famous scientists, the local history organizations with a wide network of branches and cells promoted an in-depth study and development of the economy and culture of the Chuvash region and the spiritual culture of the Chuvash, half of whose population lived outside the territory of the autonomy. The special attention these societies paid to the development of the native language and culture of the Chuvash people that allowed the Chuvash people to realize their national identity. During the first decade of the Chuvash Soviet autonomy some successes in the formation of local lore as a science were achieved. On the territory of Chuvashia local history institutions and organizations made a significant contribution to the study of nature, economy, productive forces of the region, as well as the spiritual life of the people. In this period it was the Society for the Study of the Local Territory in Cheboksary and the Society for the Study of Chuvash Culture in Moscow that promoted the preservation and development of the Chuvash language.
- Keywords:
- bilingualism, native language, local history, diaspora, ethnoculture, Chuvash Autonomous Region, Chuvash ASSR, Society for the Study of Local Area, Society for the Study of Chuvash Culture, writing
«In Dreams the Soul Travels Everywhere, and Sometimes Back to Our Small Native Land»: the Language of Dreams of Representatives of the Chuvash and Mari Diasporas of the Moscow Region
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The article deals with one of the most interesting and fairly unstudied functions of the ethnic language in the conditions of the internal diaspora – the language of dreams. Based on the data of her own field research, the author’s goal is to identify the topics and situations in which the representatives fix their dreams in their ethnic languages. In the present article the author uses the data obtained as a result of the sociolinguistic surveys conducted in two diasporas of the Moscow region: the Chuvash diaspora (the sample was 100 people) in 2014–2017, and in the Mari diaspora (the sample included 106 people) in 2019–2021. Both surveys were devoted to identifying and describing the functioning of the ethnic language, its interaction with the Russian language in the context of the multilingual and multicultural space of the Moscow region. The results, obtained in the surveys, reveal that 27% of respondents in the Chuvash sample and 49% in the Mari in the first generation have dreams in their respective ethnic languages. These dreams are closely correlated, according to the respondents, fluent speakers, with the subject of dreams and are associated with relatives and friends in their small homeland (often with deceased ancestors), with a certain place or event in the small homeland. In addition, dreams in «their» language also come in emotionally loaded situations, for example, in a state of stress. Respondents with a poor command of an ethnic language (natives of urban settings, as well as the majority of second-generation representatives in the sample) practically do not record dreams in their ethnic language. The author concludes that this particular function is deeply connected with some other functions, such as a communicative or a sacred one in addition, it reflects certain linguistic ideologies that are discretely dominant in these linguistic communities.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash language, Moscow region, Mari language, ethnic language, internal diaspora, functions of the language, language of dreams
Moscow Mari: Ethnic Culture in the Internal Diaspora
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 4- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Languages and Culture of Finno-Ugric people
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving Mari ethnic culture in the conditions of an internal diaspora. The purpose of the article is to identify the conditions for maintaining and to determine the prospects for preserving Moscow Maris’ ethnic culture in Moscow’s multicultural urban space. Methods. In 2019–2021, the author of the article conducted a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sample includes 106 respondents (100 respondents belong to the first generation of the Mari diaspora, six to the second). One of the aspects of the survey was to study markers of ethnic identity in two generations of the diaspora. Results. The results, obtained in the interviews, reveal that Mari culture (knowledge and observance of Mari traditions and customs) is one of the key markers of ethnic identity in the first generation (coming only third after the small homeland and the Mari language markers). Respondents in the second generation demonstrate remnant knowledge of ethnic cultural practices due to a weak intergenerational transmission of the Mari language. The author concludes that in order to preserve ethnic traditions and customs in the diaspora, it is extremely important to maintain an ethnic language; at the same time, as the world practice of revitalizing minority languages shows, ethnic culture can be viewed as a source of initiation into an ethnic language, and later become a channel for its maintenance.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, ethnic culture, ethnic identity, Mari language, ethnic language, internal diaspora, revitalization of minority languages
On the History of the Formation of Assyrian Diasporas in Cities on the Riga Railway
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 2- Author:
- Sergei S. Mikhailov
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- In the article the author talks about a local episode in the history of the formation of one of the little-studied diasporas of the cities of Central Russia – the Assyrians. The author's goal is to consider the emergence of communities of the considered ethnic group using the example of small Assyrian diasporas known from the Riga Railway. Since the Assyrians settled in the cities of European Russia for the most part after exodus from their places of traditional residence, fleeing the genocide unleashed by the Turkish authorities during the First World War, their new places of residence anyway were tied to the lines of the railways that existed at that time. For this study, the Riga (formerly Vindava) direction was chosen, about the Assyrians of which the author has so far collected the maximum possible information. Based on the materials of the largest researcher of the Assyrian diaspora of the former USSR – archimandrite Stephen (Sado), as well as on the materials of his own field research, the author provides the reader with information on the diasporas that arose at the early stage of the formation of the Russian Assyrian community – in the 1920s-1930s. The article deals with the Assyrians of the former city of Tushino, which in 1960 became part of Moscow, Istra, Volokolamsk, Rzhev, Velikiye Luki, Toropets, located on the territory of the Moscow, Tver and Pskov regions of the Russian Federation. First of all, the participation of families from different tribal and rural communities in the formation of diasporas is considered, as a result, the author identifies at least three parts on this railway direction, inhabited by people from certain tribes. The first part, which includes the former city of Tushino and, possibly, Istra and Volokolamsk, is represented by the diasporas of the Jylu tribe. In the second, on the indicated railway direction, we include only the city of Rzhev. There, first of all, we see two groups of families of people from the village. Kochanis (Kuchisnaya tribe) and the Diz region (Diznaya). The latter point allows us to consider the city as part of the settlement area of the diasporas of this group, which includes some cities of the Tver and Smolensk regions, located along the adjacent Torzhok – Vyazma branch. The third part is the cities of Velikiye Luki and Toropets, in which we know mainly the Assyrians of the Shapatna group, who in the 1920–1930s created a large array of settlement of their diasporas, covering part of the north-west of Russia, Belarus, part of the north of Ukraine.
- Keywords:
- family, Assyrians, diaspora, city, Riga Railway, local group, refugees, settlement, community
The Research of the Assyrian Diaspora in Central Russia on the Example of the Communities of the Ryazan Region Cities
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Author:
- Sergei S. Mikhailov
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Anthropology and Folkloristics
- Abstract:
- The history of the Assyrians who settled on the territory of Russia is an important and understudied topic. The purpose of the article is to acquaint readers and the scientific community with the results of the study of the Assyrian diaspora in the Ryazan region. The local Assyrian communities formed in the 1920s-1930s were studied. Ryazan region of Russia. Using the methods of field research, we find out that in Ryazan in the twentieth century, two small Assyrian necropolises arose – at the historical Lazarevskoye and Skorbyashensky cemeteries. The author inspected the graves preserved for 2019–2020. The Ryazan Assyrian necropolis does not differ from the places of compact burials of representatives of this people in other cities, which were examined by the author. Nevertheless, it is very important for the study of this diaspora. The results of the study showed that the Assyrian people were subdivided by the beginning of the twentieth century. for two dozen subethnos (tribes), representatives of some tribal and groups created diasporas. Regarding Ryazan, this is a large part, natives of the independent («ashiret») region of Djilu (the Jilvai tribe), the Maliks of Djilu Gorta (Big Djilu), from the villages of Alsan (local group of alasnaya), Zirini (grain), Midi (copper). A rather small number of families turned out to be in Russia – natives of the Ashiret independent Maliks – Thuma (the Thumnaya tribe), as well as natives of the small village of Shvava, whose inhabitants make up a small group of Shavetnaya. In the latter case, we have established the name of the genus-otzhah. Ryazan thumnaya, judging by what we know about their fellow tribesmen in neighboring Moscow, Tula, as well as in Georgia, most likely came from the village of Myazrya (maser group). The paper presents facts of the history of small Assyrian communities in other cities of the Ryazan region – Kasimov, Ryazhsk and Mikhailov. The main professional occupation of the representatives of the Assyrian communities in the 1920–1970s was shoe cleaning. It is concluded that the Assyrians, despite the small number of the diaspora, played a role in the urban culture of Ryazan in the twentieth century. In the future, we intend to expand the resources of the research base and continue to study various aspects of the life of the Assyrians in Russia.
- Keywords:
- Assyrians, diaspora, Ryazan, Ryazan region, Ryazhsk, Kasimov, Mikhailov, necropolis
Psychological and Pedagogical Support of the Families of Ethnic Diasporas in Preschool Educational Institutes (on the Example of Republic of Khakassia)
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Olesia edorovna F. Gorbunova, Oksana A. Gladkova
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- The article offers the results of the emperical study of the issues of family upbringing in ethnic diasporas, residing in Republic of Khakassia, in the context of psychological and pedagogical support of families with children, attending preschool educational institute.
- Keywords:
- family, support, psychological and pedagogical support, preschool children, family's social well-being, ethnic diasporas
Ethnic Musical Culture of Moscow Mari (II)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving the ethnic musical culture of the Mari people in the conditions of the diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for preserving the ethnic musical culture of members of the Mari diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural Moscow region. Methods. The article is based on the data obtained when conducting a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling include 100 respondents, all of them are natives of the Republic of Mari El or places of traditional compact settlement of the Mari ethnic group, currently living in Moscow or in the Moscow region. One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic musical culture. In particular, the respondents were asked questions about the language or languages in which they are likely to sing or listen to songs, about the value and significance of Mari songs in their lives. Based on their answers, tables, reflecting the results, were drawn. Results. According to the results of the sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora, a vast majority of the respondents (96%) listen to (and/or sing) songs in their ethnic language one way or another, under completely different circumstances and using a wide range of modern technologies and telecommunications. The representatives of the Mari Diaspora take an active part in various cultural and musical events, which are held not only within the framework of the ethnic Mari community in Moscow, but also on the private initiative of young Mari activists. The author concludes that the ethnic musical culture, which the members of the Diaspora maintain both independently and in groups, undoubtedly plays an important role in uniting the Moscow Mari people and attracting new members of the Mari Diaspora, it slows down assimilation processes and contributes to the preservation of their ethnic and cultural identity.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, Mari diaspora, Mari ethnic culture, Meadow Mari, Hill Mari, Eastern Mari
Ethnic Musical Culture of Moscow Mari (I)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving the ethnic musical culture of the Mari people in the conditions of the diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for preserving the ethnic musical culture of members of the Mari diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural Moscow region. Methods. The article is based on the data obtained when conducting a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling includes 100 respondents, all of them are natives of the Republic of Mari El or places of traditional compact settlement of the Mari ethnic group, currently living in Moscow or in the Moscow region. One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic musical culture. In particular, the respondents were asked questions about the language or languages in which they are likely to sing or listen to songs, about the value and significance of Mari songs in their lives. Based on their answers, tables, reflecting the results, were drawn. Results. According to the results of the sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora, a vast majority of the respondents (96%) listen to (and/or sing) songs in their ethnic language one way or another, under completely different circumstances and using a wide range of modern technologies and telecommunications. The representatives of the Mari Diaspora take an active part in various cultural and musical events, which are held not only within the framework of the ethnic Mari community in Moscow, but also on the private initiative of young Mari activists. The author concludes that the ethnic musical culture, which the members of the Diaspora maintain both independently and in groups, undoubtedly plays an important role in uniting the Moscow Mari people and attracting new members of the Mari Diaspora, it slows down assimilation processes and contributes to the preservation of their ethnic and cultural identity.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, Mari diaspora, Mari ethnic culture, Meadow Mari, Hill Mari, Eastern Mari
Preservation of the Chuvash Ethnic Culture in the Conditions of the Moscow Region Diaspora Group
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of preservation of Chuvash ethnic culture in the conditions of diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects of preserving the ethnic culture of the members of the Chuvash diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural environment of the Moscow region. Methods. The author of the article conducted a sociolinguistic survey in the Chuvash diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling included 100 respondents (85 respondents belong to the first generation of the Chuvash diaspora, 15 – to the second). One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic traditions and customs. The respondents were asked questions concerning the criteria of their belonging to the Chuvash ethnic group, observance of national traditions and customs, features of the Chuvash ethnic culture, intergenerational transmission of ethnic culture. Based on their answers, tables on age cohorts for representatives of both generations were compiled. Results. More than half of the respondents in the sampling in the first generation (55%) observe Chuvash traditions and holidays, especially representatives of younger and middle cohorts; in the second generation, ethnic culture is somewhat fading (27%). More than half of the respondents in the first generation (58.6%) intend to transmit knowledge about their ethnic culture to children. Women in the sampling rather tend to transmit material culture, while men spiritual one. The author concludes that, despite the fact that living far from the small homeland affects the preservation of ethnic culture, however, at present, in the conditions of polycultural urban environment, the diaspora is the most demanded form of social adaptation, especially among the younger generation, among whom many demonstrate an active life position and involvement in the process of preserving Chuvash ethnic culture in the Moscow region.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash diaspora, Moscow region, Chuvash ethnic culture
Afrikanskie diaspory sovremennoi Velikobritanii (somaliitsy, zimbabviitsy, nigeriitsy, iuzhnoafrikantsy)
Book ChapterAfrican diasporas of modern Britain (Somalis, Zimbabweans, Nigerians, South Africans)- Author:
- Grigorii A. Karpov
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Abstract:
- The monograph is devoted to the study of the four largest Afrikan diasporas of modern Britain (Somali, Zimbabwean, Nigerian and South African). The history of the formation and the dynamics of the growth of the number of each of the diasporas, as well as the main channels of migration from Africa, were subjected to a detailed analysis. The paper received coverage of a wide range of issues concerning the Africans of modern Britain: the internal and external background of African migration, the specifics of the African diasporas, their successes and problems towards integration into British society. The book will be interesting to historians, ethnologists, culturologists and all who are interested in the modern history of Western Europe and Africa
- Keywords:
- African diasporas, modern Great Britain, African migration, resettlement of population