List of publications on a keyword: «федеральный округ»
O iazykovoi situatsii korennykh malochislennykh narodov Severa, Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka v Dal'nevostochnom federal'nom okruge: na primere shkol'nogo obrazovaniia
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Authors:
- Feodosiia V. Gabysheva, Svetlana S. Semenova, Spartak B. Lekhanov
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается вопрос о текущем положении языковой ситуации коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока в контексте школьного образования на территории Дальневосточного федерального округа. Определены основные проблемы, связанные с сохранением и развитием языков данных этнических групп в образовательной среде. Представлены рекомендации и предложения по оптимизации процесса преподавания родных языков в школах Дальневосточного федерального округа.
- Keywords:
Labor productivity of workers in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District: factors and the shift effect
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Authors:
- Iuliia I. Shmidt, Irina V. Zhuplei, Evgeniia P. Zadvorneva, Elena V. Zaitseva
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- Over 2012–2022, there were changes in the composition of the number of employees and revenue to the type of economic activity «Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming» in the context of the regions of the Central and Far Eastern federal districts. There were also changes in the structure of the analyzed indicators. Assessment of structural shifts in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District indicate the presence of both negative and positive ones. The assessment using the integral indicator made it possible to indicate the presence of insignificant structural differences in the number of employees and very significant structural differences in revenue for the analyzed type of economic activity. The noted changes led to the improvement in the industrial index of labor productivity and, as a result, the presence of a positive shifting effect due to changes in the structures of the number of employees and revenue in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District in 2017–2022.
- Keywords:
- forestry, labor productivity, Central Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District, structural differences, number of employees, revenue, type of economic activity «Agriculture, hunting, fishing and fish farming», a shifting effect
Assessment of shifts in production and consumption of livestock products in the Central and Far Eastern Federal Districts
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: economic aspects- Authors:
- Iuliia I. Shmidt, Irina V. Zhuplei, Evgeniia P. Zadvorneva
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- For 2005–2021, significant structural shifts occurred in the production and production structure of the main types of livestock products (livestock and poultry for slaughter (in slaughter weight), milk) of the Central and Far Eastern Federal Districts, which are confirmed by the assessment of the integral coefficient of structural differences. These assessments made it possible to establish that the production of livestock products in the Central Federal District is characterized by a predominant concentration in agricultural organizations, which contributes to an increase in milk consumption and milk production by the population of the regions of the district. In the Far Eastern Federal District, the main producers of products are households that are mainly focused on ensuring personal consumption of products. The organizational and economic structure of the Far Eastern Federal District is characterized by relative stability, which requires attention from the authorities, since the population's consumption of livestock products per capita in most regions of the district is significantly lower than the average Russian consumption. The increasing involvement of agricultural organizations and peasant (farm) farms in the production of livestock products with active financial support from the state and the presence of consumer demand will increase the consumption of the most important types of products per capita in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District to the all-Russian level.
- Keywords:
- regions, structural shifts, Central Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District, production of livestock products, livestock and poultry for slaughter, structural differences, integral coefficient, consumption of products by the population
Sravnitel'naia otsenka blagosostoianiia regionov Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga po metodike Vsemirnogo banka
ProceedingRegions of Russia in a changing world: stable priorities and new opportunities- Authors:
- Aleksei P. Ivanov, Alina F. Savderova
- Work direction:
- Устойчивое развитие регионов: новые вызовы и возможности
- Abstract:
- В статье строится рейтинг благосостояния регионов Приволжского федерального округа по методике, предложенной Всемирным банком, учитывающей человеческий, созданный, природный и институциональный капитал. Рассматривается модификация методики, отвечающая российским реалиям. На основе полученных данных проводился анализ разброса показателей, составляющих рейтинг среди регионов. Также рассмотрена корреляция полученного рейтинга благосостояния и рейтинга по валовому региональному продукту.
- Keywords:
Dynamics of the number of Chuvash speakers on the basis of the 2002–2021 Russian population censuses
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Ektor Alos-i-Font
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The situation of the Chuvash language in the Russian Federation is presented in the light of the 2020 population census. The aim of the study is to understand whether the tempos of the language shift have changed compared to the previous decade. For the sake of comparison, the process of ethnic assimilation of the Chuvash population is also studied. The differences between the five regions with the highest concentration of Chuvash speakers are analyzed, and the position of Chuvash in Chuvashia is contrasted with the one of the official languages in the other five republics of the Volga Federal District. Research results. The analysis shows a serious deterioration in the quality of the 2020 census data compared to previous ones. This problem is partially solved by weighting them. The results show an average annual decline of about three percent of Chuvash speakers at both the Federation and Chuvashia levels throughout the 2010–2020 decade. This represents a doubling of the rate in comparison to the previous intercensal period. This degree of language shift is similar to that observed for Chuvash in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, but lower than in the Ulyanovsk and Samara regions. The other official languages of the District have drops in the number of speakers in their respective republics similar to those of Chuvash in Chuvashia, including Tatar in Tatarstan. An apparent exception is Bashkir, but the data also indicate serious issues for the languages of Bashkortostan.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash language, official languages in Russia, Russian 2020 population census, language shift, ethnic assimilation, Volga Federal District
Book ChapterStrategic Directions of the Development of Russian Regions: Issues of Economy, Accountance, Taxification, Economic Security, Theoretical and Applied Finance- Authors:
- Irina V. Zhuplei, Evgeniia P. Zadvorneva, Iuliia I. Shmidt
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- Strategic management of spatial development of the agricultural sphere is organized as a single integrated system in which its constituent elements are aimed at contributing to the overall result. In the new economic conditions, the decisions announced in the «Strategy for the Development of agro-industrial and fisheries complexes of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030» dated April 12, 2020 №. 993-р, in the State programs «Integrated development of rural territories», «Effective involvement in the turnover of agricultural land and the development of the reclamation complex of the Russian Federation», «The state programs for the development of agriculture», «The Development of the fisheries complex», «The Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017–2030», etc. should systematically identify development opportunities on the one hand, and influence the entrepreneurial initiative on the other hand, and, therefore, require systematic monitoring and elimination of parallelism in management decisions. Under the sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia, agriculture remains the leading industry in the country's economic system. In the new economic conditions, the management of spatial development of agriculture is in urgent need of scientifically based planning and forecasting of economic resources, including managerial personnel. The development and substantiation of an up-to-date resource forecasting methodology corresponding to modern conditions of agricultural development is the most important task of managing the spatial development of the industry. In addition, the key role of the digital economy and digitalization in the management of the agar sector in modern conditions serve as a tool for the transition of the industry to a new technological level, since, on the one hand, they were previously unused sources of achieving economic growth of agricultural industries, efficiency and efficiency of management processes, and, on the other, they become a powerful incentive innovative spatial development of rural areas of the country, especially geostrategically important macro-regions. The study presents an analysis of a significant amount of factual data, on the basis of which meaningful conclusions are made: it is established that strategic scenario planning and forecasting of spatial development processes of individual branches of agriculture belong to the methods of public administration and are necessary economic tools during the crisis; the current methodology of forecasting human resources in the field of management is substantiated, which corresponds to the modern conditions of development of individual macro-regions, and is also the most important state task in the strategic management of agriculture; an economic model is constructed that allows assessing the need for managerial personnel in the medium term, taking into account the influence of external economic factors; the use of digital technologies in agricultural organizations, costs are analyzed on scientific research in the field of science «agriculture», the level of innovation activity, the costs of organizations for innovation activities, as well as the volume of innovative products on the example of individual subjects of the Federation.
- Keywords:
- innovation, human resources, agriculture, public administration, digitalization, digital technologies, management efficiency, strategic planning, digital economy, agricultural sector, industry development, development scenario, federal district
Impact Of The COVID-19 Pandemic On The Economy Of Russian Regions (On The Example Of The Southern Federal District)
ProceedingProspects for Socio-Economic Development of Russia- Authors:
- Anastasiia V. Gorshkova, Natalia V. Gorshkova
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономические процессы современного российского общества
- Abstract:
- В статье представлены вопросы влияния пандемии COVID-19 на экономику Южного федерального округа. Рассматриваются такие показатели, как ВВП региона, денежные доходы населения в расчете на душу населения, проводится сравнительный анализ экономического состояния Российской Федерации и других развитых стран в период пандемии.
- Keywords:
Problemy i perspektivy perekhoda Zabaikal'skogo kraia iz Sibirskogo federal'nogo okruga v Dal'nevostochnyi federal'nyi okrug
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Sergei N. Skachkov, Natalia V. Zimina
- Work direction:
- Конституционное и муниципальное право
- Abstract:
- Передача субъектов из одного региона в другой в России происходит не так часто, потому вызывает научный и исследовательский интерес. Исторически Забайкальский край неоднократно относили к Дальнему Востоку, что определено территориально. Решение о передаче Забайкальского края в Дальневосточный федеральный округ Президент принял исходя из экономической целесообразности, так как регион автоматически вошел в ряд федеральных программ. В ноябре 2018 года Указом Президента Российской Федерации Забайкальский край и Республика Бурятия были переданы в состав Дальневосточного федерального округа. Законодательно закреплено два способа территориального изменения в Российской Федерации, первое – путем образования нового субъекта Российской Федерации или путем объединения двух или нескольких регионов России и второе – принятие в состав Российской Федерации иностранного государства или его части. В статье рассматриваются проблемы и перспективы перехода Забайкальского края в Дальневосточный федеральный округ.
- Keywords:
Regional'nye izmeneniia v strukture denezhnykh dokhodov naseleniia PFO
ProceedingProblems of Higher Education and Current Tendencies of Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge (VII Arsentiev Readings)- Authors:
- Ul'iana V. Iumanova, Mikhail S. Iumanov
- Work direction:
- Актуальные проблемы регионоведения (к 100-летию Чувашской автономии)
- Abstract:
- В статье представлены результаты структурного и территориального анализа денежных доходов населения Приволжского федерального округа. Проведенная оценка выявляет отставание размеров и темпов прироста среднедушевых денежных доходов населения ПФР от общероссийских значений. Структура денежных доходов в регионе отличается увеличивающейся большой долей социальных выплат, меньшей долей оплаты труда и снижающейся долей от предпринимательства. Территориальные особенности денежного неравенства проявляются в повышенной стратификации общества экономически более развитых субъектов.
- Keywords:
Territorial'nyi analiz sovremennogo sostoianiia i posledstvii lesnykh pozharov na territorii Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga
Article in CollectionGeospatial Research of Social and Natural Systems: Theory and Practice- Authors:
- Oleg E. Gavrilov, Marina I. Arkhipova
- Work direction:
- Теория и практика исследования геоэкологических систем и проблемы рационального природопользования
- Abstract:
- Проанализировано состояние и последствия лесных пожаров, дана оценка современного состояния и последствий лесных пожаров на территории Приволжского федерального округа, проведен территориальный анализ состояния и последствий лесных пожаров на территории ПФО, предложены меры по защите лесов от пожаров.
- Keywords: