List of publications on a keyword: «онтология»
Primenenie sovremennykh pedagogicheskikh tekhnologii (keis-metodov) v protsesse formirovaniia deontologicheskoi kompetentnosti studentov-medikov (na primere prepodavaniia distsipliny "Etika i deontologiia v professional'noi deiatel'nosti")
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Sofiia K. Matsukatova
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- Формирование деонтологической компетентности будущих врачей при изучении дисциплины «Профессиональная этика и деонтология» целесообразно осуществлять с использованием кейс-методов, которые способствуют погружению в профессию, формированию деонтологических качеств будущего врача (осознание профессионального долга, высокий уровень профессиональной и личной культуры, эмапатия, толерантность, эффективная коммуникация с пациентом и коллегами и т. д.), критического мышления, что определяет индивидуальную траекторию профессионального роста и личностного развития студента-медика.
- Keywords:
E.D. Nikitin, sozdatel' filosofii pochvovedeniia, i vliianie ego idei na formirovanie nauchnogo mirovozzreniia studentov
ProceedingUniversity humanities education in Russia: on the 70th anniversary of the birth of Professor A.V. Arsentieva- Author:
- Evgeniya P. Sabodina
- Work direction:
- Роль личности в развитии университетского гуманитарного образования
- Abstract:
- В работе рассмотрены особенности философии почвоведения и ее влияние на формирование мировоззрения студента. Указаны функции и задачи философии почвоведения, раскрыты определенные аспекты научно-философского значения трудов создателя философии почвоведения Е.Д. Никитина.
- Keywords:
Sotsial'noe odinochestvo: konstruirovanie novykh modelei sem'i
Book ChapterSocial loneliness: constructing new family models- Author:
- Vera A. Gnevasheva
- Work direction:
- Все направления
- Abstract:
- Монография подготовлена по результатам проекта по гранту Российского научного фонда (РНФ) № 22-28-01980 «Социальное одиночество: моделирование новых семейных конструктов». В монографии рассматриваются оценки социального одиночества как феномена современного общества, а также сопряженность данного явления с семейным и репродуктивным поведением населения. Выделяются отдельные группы риска, факторы, способствующие усилению социального одиночества, приводится типология населения в контексте степени выраженности социального одиночества. В монографии представлены результаты авторского эмпирического исследования, проведенного в общероссийском формате в 2022 году, а также приводятся страновые оценки выраженности социального одиночества в других сообществах. Результаты исследования представлены для широкого круга читателей, могут быть полезными для студентов и аспирантов, работающих в области социологии управления, социологии молодежи, геронтологии, изучающих вопросы семьи и брака, демографов.
- Keywords:
Poznanie i obrazovanie v kontekste sotsial'no-filosofskogo analiza noosfernogo protsessa
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Author:
- Evgeniya P. Sabodina
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the human dimension of the phenomenon of cognition of the world in the historical perspective of the educational process, from antiquity to our time. The paper examines the possibilities of cognition and education, both through the creation of a categorical apparatus and its development in the process of education, and through the power of creative imagination in the framework of the cognitive process. The principles of the connection between spiritual and material, signs, functions, types and essence of these principles are formulated and characterized, the role of human activity as the leading force of the planetary noospheric process is shown.
- Keywords:
- education, principle, cognition, biosphere, noosphere, imagination, ontology, pedosphere, consciousness, praxeology, intention, logos, feature, function, mayeutics, the problem of human alienation, inductive-definitive method of cognition, metaphysics, absolute
Latin as a nature of deontological principles of medicine and humanitarian values of teaching and learning at medical universities
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Marina B. Pavliuchenok, Natalia A. Uliankova
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- In their work, the authors reveal the applied role of the Latin language as an important propaedeutic discipline in the formation of professional ethical principles and moral qualities among students of the medical university, which they need both in the learning process and in future medical activity. The special influence of humanitarian comments on professional vocabulary and aphorisms of medical and general cultural content on the comprehensive development of students' personality is also considered. Significant aspects of this influence are orientation to humanistic values and self-development, increasing the level of general culture and education, understanding the essence and meaning of concepts, showing interest in science and language learning, improving oral speech skills and the ability to express their thoughts competently and intelligently, improving perception and memory training. In this paper, it is noted that the stereotype of the Latin language as an insignificant discipline, where its role is reduced only to the training of terminologically competent specialists, has long been outdated. The authors tried to present the Latin language not only as a narrow-profile subject for future physicians, but as the language of Antiquity and its great heritage, as the language spoken and written by famous philosophers, orators, poets and doctors, as a language that has provided and still provides cultural and spiritual influence on the personal formation of people. The conclusions obtained in the course of the work are of interest to the teaching staff of the Latin Language Department at the Medical University and medical students.
- Keywords:
- morality, medicine, humanitarization, ethics, deontology, Latin
Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Education Resources
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 4- Authors:
- Eugeniya M. Volegzhanina, Irina S. Volegzhanina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Introduction. Ontologies are now recognised as the advanced standard of knowledge representation for e-learning and some industries. In particular, the development of multilingual ontological education resources is characterised as a promising area of research in the context of industry universities’ digital transformation. The article deals with the development of an academic course multilingual ontology in a Controlled Natural Language. Relevance. Although there are many ontology editors, national developers of education resources should be familiar with formal logic and have a good command of English. Therefore, it is difficult to discuss widespread use of ontology-based education solutions in Russian universities. Materials and Methods. The article offers a version of Controlled Russian Language for academic knowledge representation. A methodology to be used for compiling academic course ontologies is developed. As an example, a piece of ontology for the Introductory Course on Railways is considered. Results and Discussion. To support this way of knowledge representation, a prototype of ontology editor was developed to support the version of Controlled Russian Language. To implement the multilanguage function, equivalent versions for the Controlled Russian Language ontology were developed in English and Chinese. Conclusions. The solutions are a contribution to the implementation of an open project to develop an ontology resource integrating universities and industry.
- Keywords:
- education, ontology, academic course, Controlled Russian Language, knowledge representation, muiltilingual, transport industry
The Boundaries of Culture and Multiculturalism from the Perspective of an Anthropological Ontological Turn In Sociology
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai
- Work direction:
- Глава 14
- Abstract:
- The chapter addresses to the theoretical foundations of multiculturalism as a potential for the development of a modern multi-ethnic and multi-confessional society from the position of an ontological turn in sociology, in which culture as a universal method of understanding human diversity is placed in a pluralistic approach to ontology, involving a variety of ontological schemes that form various social systems, each of which has its own understanding human differences. Sociality is not so much a condition of human existence as an attribute that is distributed among entities according to certain ontological classifications. Also, culture cannot exhaustively explain the sources of differences between human groups, since it is the product of one of these ontological schemes. The challenge that sociological theory must accept in such a way that the ontological turn in anthropology is not to circumvent and eliminate the differences between ontological perspectives, but to constantly change its conceptual obligations within the framework of a comparative approach to ontology, which eliminates any neutral point of view.
- Keywords:
- culture, anthropology, multiculturalism, sociology, ontological turn, social ontology
K voprosu o vazhnosti podderzhaniia dvigatel'nogo rezhima u liudei pensionnogo vozrasta
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Natalia V. Kadetova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается проблема преумножения важности физкультурного движения у пожилого слоя населения нашей страны. Факт повышения пенсионного возраста, введенный нашим правительством с 2018 года, формирует новый взгляд на проблему поддержания уровня здоровья пожилого населения на должном уровне, учитывая все аспекты, связанные с образовавшимися изменениями. Высокая двигательная активность, нежелание пассивно смиряться с возрастными изменениями, поиск внутренних ресурсов для улучшения своего физического и духовного потенциалов должно стать нормой для современных пенсионеров.
- Keywords:
Aging of the Population and Growing Needs for Social Services
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Author:
- Marina L. Vartanova
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономические условия жизнедеятельности населения
- Abstract:
- The urgency of the problem of organizing social assistance to the elderly in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation is due to the following circumstances: a significant aging of the population as a socio-demographic process; an increase in the role of social service institutions in organizing medical and social support for the elderly in modern conditions; an increase in the role of a social worker – a person who directly contacts the client, knows his problems and tries to help him; the need to ensure the maximum life expectancy of a person at a high level, as well as the importance of preserving the elderly as an active and socially useful part of the population.
- Keywords:
- пожилые люди, социальная защита, геронтология, гериатрия, комплексная реабилитация, постарение населения, социально-демографический процесс, старость, трудовая активность
The Ontological Dimension of Everyday Life in the Mythopoetic Picture of the World
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 2- Author:
- Natalia P. Ryabchun
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the concept of a home in traditional culture. It is argued that in the mythopoetic tradition, universal principles of creating a house were formed. This deserves attention today, because the main thesis in the concept of a home was the idea of the ontological dimension of everyday life, of the close connection of the spiritual and the material, of the connection of philosophical ideas and everyday actions. In traditional culture, everyday life was associated with the origins of being, was the sphere of application of creative forces. The object of research is the practice of building peasant houses in the medieval period, as well as in the XVIII-XIX centuries, their architecture and interior, their relationship with the surrounding landscape. The author uses general historical, semiotic and hermeneutical methods of research. The article systematizes the architectural principles of building a traditional home, which made the peasant house a prototype of the cosmos, a model of the universe. The author analyzes such structural elements of the mythological picture of the world as the tree of life, the world axis, the cross, the sacrifice, and their application in architecture. The author considers the ideas about the heterogeneity of space in the mythological culture and how they were used in the construction of the house; the function of doors, windows, gates in the symbolic structure of the house is investigated. The conclusion is made about the trinity of information, energy and matter in traditional culture.
- Keywords:
- folklore, mythopoetic picture of the world, concept of a home, ontology, traditional dwelling, semantics of ritual, archaic consciousness, world tree, cosmos, sacrifice
Mark Avrelii: formula vochelovecheniia
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Eduard O. Krank
- Work direction:
- Культурология
- Abstract:
- Публикация представляет собой часть работы о религиозных поисках римского императора и философа Марка Аврелий. Двойственность религиозных взглядов Марка состоит в том, что, с одной стороны, они чрезвычайно близки взглядам первых христиан, а с другой – противоречат христианству в том отношении, что в качестве отца нации Аврелий должен был блюсти чистоту римской языческой религиозной традиции. В статье прослеживается восприятие моральной философии Марка крупнейшими представителями русской философии и литературы: П.Я. Чаадаевым, А.С. Пушкиным, А.П. Чеховым, В.В. Розановым.
- Keywords:
Ontology as a Term System of BPMN Notation
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 1- Authors:
- Natalya V. Bogoslovskaya, Aleksandr V. Brzhezovskiy
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- Introduction. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is widely used standard for modeling business processes and supported by the Object-Oriented Technology Specification Management Group (OMG). However, the BPMN 2.0 specification is quite lengthy and contains over 500 pages. Item definitions are scattered across different sections of the specification and sometimes conflict. In addition, the structure of elements and their relationships are described in the form of metamodel, but further syntactic rules are defined within the natural language text. The purpose. This article proposes an ontology that formally represents the BPMN specification. The item description is consolidated within the appropriate class, and further explanations are provided in the annotations. The taxonomic structure in an ontology provides navigation through concepts in is-a relationships. Methods. A possible way to organize terminological vocabulary is the construction of ontologies, terminological systems and the creation of terminological data banks. The open source Protégé ontology editor was chosen to form the ontology. The correctness of the resulting terminology is partly ensured by the Reasoner included in Protégé. Results. The ontology of BPMN 2.0 notation can be used in the educational process as reference, as well as to control knowledge. In addition, ontology can be used as tool for solving semantic search problems. A potentially interesting result can also be an automated synthesis procedure based on the proposed ontology of questions for tests in the LMS Moodle system or similar.
- Keywords:
- business process notation and model, ontology of terms, contradictions of BPMN 2, 0 notation
Personal Identity of the Artist as a Condition and Result of Creativity in Art
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Nadezda Y. Mochalova
- Work direction:
- History and Theory of Art Questions
- Abstract:
- The author outlines that the essence of the problem of personal identity is formulated in the form of a dilemma: the personality must be identical to itself, because it retains the inconsistency of all experiences, actions, plans throughout the life of the individual; the personality must not be identical to itself on the basis of its inclusion in the context of changing being, which inevitably implies its internal self-change. It is noted that this dilemma involves the use of the term “identity” in two contexts: in the context of comparison (the opposite meaning of “identical” is expressed in the following terms: “other”, “another”, “alien”, “unequal”, “reverse”) and in the context of development, temporality (the term “identity” becomes the opposite meaning of “changed”, “impermanent”, “developing”). Research methods: analysis of literature on the topic studied; comparison, descriptive method. The artist's creative identity as a dialectical process of changing the dominant forms, styles, and images is reviewed in the article. The artistic and ontological problem of self-identity of artistic personality is presented through the dialogue between “One” and “Other”. The artistic reality of a work of art allows the artist to know the essence of his identity in the context of intersubjectivity. It is concluded that the paradigm that allows us to detect intersubjective conditionality of identity is the relational ontology, which represents relationships as a fundamental form of being. It is emphasized that personal identity is discursively mediated by a person's self-understanding, so hermeneutics primarily becomes the methodological space in which this research is carried out. Hermeneutics proves that self-knowledge and self-understanding of a person is an interpretive process that forms an important part of the subject's ontology. According to this methodology, personal identity is mediated by its own interpretive activity as a narrative philosophy, as a person's story about himself, and as the formation of a life story. The author is impressed by the productive idea of E.G. Trubina's research on the reflection of the individual as a creative process of self-construction in relation to the modified personal identity of the artist.
- Keywords:
- dialogue, personal identity, artistic creativity, self-identity, artistic reality, relational ontology
Napravleniia gerontologii
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Olga D. Galenko
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье исследуются проблемы направлений и сфер применения геронтологии. Актуальность данной проблемы выражается в разработке чёткого и основательного плана по просветительской, морально-нравственной и обучающей работе нового поколения на тему новой междисциплинарной науки – геронтологии. Материалы статьи могут быть полезными для студентов высших учебных заведений для всестороннего изучения данной проблемы и дальнейшей работы по освоению и применению новых знаний о геронтологии.
- Keywords:
Vladimir Petrovich Litvinenko - zhizn', otdannaia liudiam i nauke
ProceedingParadigms of Russian History through the lens of biographistics (for 140th anniversary of Alexey Ivanovich Yakovlev)- Authors:
- Maksim I. Gurov, Pavel S. Kachevskii
- Work direction:
- Личность в истории и история в личности
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрываются основные направления научной и учебно-педагогической деятельности Владимира Петровича Литвиненко, связавшего свою сознательную жизнь с Таганрогом. Авторы, обращаясь к воспоминаниям его коллег и учеников, научным публикациям, сохранившимся источникам личного происхождения, биографическим материалам, освещают жизненный вклад ученого в развитие образования и науки в Таганроге.
- Keywords: