List of publications on a keyword: «school»
Preparing Preschool Children for School During the Quarantine Period
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Nadezhda A. Timoshkina
- Work direction:
- Security of educational activities during quarantine measures
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the features of preparing children for education during a difficult epidemiological situation. Special attention is paid to the work of parents with their children in the process of play activities. Traditional folk games and exercises of modern teachers that can be effectively used for the development of preschool children are presented.
- Keywords:
- self-esteem, game, school readiness, mental development, mental cognitive processes
Conditions of the Educational Environment of Preschool Educational Institutions that Create and Ensure the Safety of Pupils
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Viktoriya A. Averina, Olga A. Gerasimenko, Elena V. Panferova
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the problem of creating and ensuring the safety of the educational environment in PEI. The present work notes the characteristics that must be followed to create the safety of pupils. Such section as psychological safety is considered, the characteristics, observance of which is necessary to create a psychologically safe educational environment, are given. The tasks that ensure the safety of the educational environment of PEI are described.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, psychological safety, subjects of the educational process, child development in preschool conditions, psychologically comfortable environment
Organization of a Safe Environment in Pre-school Institutions as a Condition for Preserving the Life and Health of Pupils
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Elena V. Ganyushina, Kseniya S. Shalaginova
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- This article raises and discusses the main issues related to the organization of a safe environment for pupils of pre-school educational institutions. After analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of the research, the conditions that will help organize a competent and safe childhood for each child in the educational system are noted. We also studied the criteria and identified a number of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at helping in various situations that arise within the framework of pre-school educational institutions for children, teachers, and parents.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, safety, safety conditions for pupils, preschool institution, pre-school children
An Analysis of Risks of School Anxiety in Children of The Pre-School Group
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Margarita S. Potapova, Tatyana V. Pershina
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- The article considered the diagnostic aspect of psycho-pedagogical prevention of school anxiety risks in pre-school age. The results of an empirical study, confirming the appropriates of an early prevention strategy for school anxiety are presented. The authors propose the complex of pedagogical conditions, which formulate the process to reduce the risks of school anxiety of older preschoolers.
- Keywords:
- school anxiety, risks of school anxiety, prevention of school anxiety
Innovative Forms of Interaction with the Families of Children in Kindergarten
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Anna I. Miazina, Svetlana A. Kotova
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- The article presents the experience of creating conditions for organizing interaction with the families of children in the kindergarten. Such forms of interaction as joint support of individual development of the child, psychological and pedagogical education of parents of children, support of initiatives of families, joint activity of children, parents and kindergarten are considered.
- Keywords:
- FSES of PE socio-communicative development of preschool children, joint support of individual development, psycho-pedagogical education, support of initiatives of families, joint activities
Psychological Safety of Educational Environment as a Condition of an Adaptation of Schoolchildren to the Middle Level of Education
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Daria N. Lomova, Arina V. Karandeeva
- Work direction:
- Personal health and security in the modern educational system
- Abstract:
- Elementary-school age is characterized by the involvement of a child in educational activity. The elementary school child must have a sustainable positive motivation, which includes educational, cognitive, social and personal components to study effectively. Its forming and progress depend on many factors, one of them is a psychologically safe educational environment, which also includes a lot of aspects. The influence of the educational process on the student's educational motivation is considered.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, safety, elementary school child, educational motivation
Organisational and Pedagocical Conditions of Management of Social Partnership of Sports School with Educational Organisations
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Tatyana S. Rzhevskaya
- Work direction:
- Personal health and security in the modern educational system
- Abstract:
- The present research is dedicated to the examination of the peculiarities of educational process in sports school. Organisational and pedagocical conditions of management of social partnership of sports school are analysed in the article.
- Keywords:
- social partnership, organisational and pedagocical conditions, management of social partnership of sports school, sports school
Methods to Form the Pedagogical Culture of Parents in the Educational System of the School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (10)- Authors:
- Galina V. Sorokoumova, Anastasiia O. Bespalova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the concept of pedagogical culture of parents, the goals of development of pedagogical culture of parents and methods of formation and improvement of the level of pedagogical culture of parents. The paper focuses on the tasks of interaction between an educational institution and the family in the upbringing of children. Methods of study. To study the possibility of forming a pedagogical culture of parents, we used a questionnaire to survey the needs of parents to interact with the educational institution and the interest of teachers in working with the family, the «Ideas about the ideal parent» method by R. V. Ovcharova, Y.A. Degtyareva, «Family Biofield» inquirer by V. V. Boyko and «Determination of parenting skills» questionnaire by O.L. Zvereva. Results of the study. The article shows the results of the impact of the program, which includes a seminar using the case technology «pedagogical culture of parents» and parent training based on the program «education based on common sense» on the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents. Conclusion. The results of the study proved the possibility of purposeful formation of the pedagogical culture of parents in the educational system of the school and the high efficiency of practice – and personality-oriented methods of such work, and also showed greater competence and awareness among parents and kindergarten teachers in the education of children.
- Keywords:
- family, pedagogical culture of parents, family and school interaction, a workshop, methods of formation of parental pedagogical culture
Mathematical Abilities Development of Elementary School Children in Extracurricular Activities
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy- Author:
- Tamara S. Khazykova
- Work direction:
- Глава I. Современные тенденции развития образования
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the relevance of the problem of improving the elementary school children’s mathematical education. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem is performed. The author defines the psychological and pedagogical foundations for elementary school children’s quantitative skills development, and also notes the main forms and types of extracurricular activities in mathematics. The study presents after-school math program, aimed at elementary school children’s quantitative skills development.
- Keywords:
- abilities, extracurricular activities, elementary school child, quantitative skills, after-school math program
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Ol'ga I. Gorshkova, Liudmila F. Kashurina
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогические аспекты образования
- Abstract:
- In this article, we address the issue of the formation of a value attitude to the family among preschool children. The author of this article builds the formation of “attitude”, “value attitude”, “value attitude to the family”, determines the importance of preschool education in the formation of the value attitude of preschool children to the family. The ways of the formation of value relationships to the family of preschoolers in preschool
- Keywords:
- general education, upbringing, attitude, value relation, value attitude to the family, senior preschool age
School Museum as an educational space
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Evgeniia N. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и ДО
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the organization of school museums in the aksubayevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Against the background of attempts to correspond historical events in Ukraine, the countries of the near and far abroad, the issue of preserving the historical memory of the current and future generations of our country is acute. The school Museum becomes an excellent alternative to the usual history lesson, the work of students in the school Museum is of a research nature, develops patriotism, love for their small homeland, their country.
- Keywords:
- education, history, research, museum, patriotism, school, local history, alternative lesson, small Motherland
Features of the developing environment in a preschool educational institution based on the traditions of Russian folk culture
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Irina A. Lavrenteva
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- The article provides an example of the design and implementation of the integrative developing subject-spatial environment of a modern preschool institution with an ethno cultural component, forms and methods of work on multicultural education in cooperation with teachers of preschool education in Bulgaria.
- Keywords:
- preschoolers, Russian culture, modern kindergarten, ethno cultural and multicultur-al education, international cooperation in preschool education
Social Design as a Way of Educating Adolescents (From the Experience of Working on the Project "Educational Elevator")
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Olga A. Kochetkova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The article presents the experience of using social design in an educational institution as a way to influence the student's personality
- Keywords:
- project, education, personality, school, Social
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Nadezhda S. Shishkina, Klavdiya I. Sultanbaeva
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of a study on overcoming dysgraphia in younger bilingual schoolchildren using a set of exercises. The purpose of the article: to prove the effectiveness of using a set of exercises in correcting dysgraphia of younger bilingual schoolchildren experimentally. The article presents examples of the written work of bilingual schoolchildren. Identified written violations in younger bilingual schoolchildren are analyzed and classified in connection with bilingualism, and statistics are provided for each type of error. Methods. The leading method of dysgraphia correction among the Khakass and Azerbaijan bilingual schoolchildren studying in Russian at the 2nd form of Abakan city was a complex of special corrective exercises. Results. The results showed a positive trend in the development of pupils’ writing skills. The percentage of children who had got a higher level of the ability to write dictation increased to 60%. That’s why we can judge the effectiveness o
- Keywords:
- bilingualism, written speech, dysgraphia, elementary schoolchildren, correction
Methodological Typology of Grammar Content of German as a Minor Language With English as a Major Language
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Authors:
- Elena P. Glumova, Valeria A. Sukhareva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article under consideration addresses problems of teaching grammar (with German as a minor language and English as a major language) in modern Russian schools. Method of research. In order to solve the problems, the authors propose a methodological typology of the content of teaching grammar in 5th grade with English as a major language on the basis of training and methodology complex “Horisonte”, taking into account the difficulties in mastering grammatical material. This typology was created using the following methods: analysis (during looking for the content), synthesis (at the stage of creating a grammatical typology of the German based on English) and forming of hypotheses (in results of the research). Result of the research. As a result of grammatical typology, the grammatical units for the 5th grade in “Spotlight” Student’s book are divided into three unequal groups. This fact simplifies the perception of the material by pupils during the intensification of the educational process and helps to build the educational process so that both languages studied by pupils are mastered at the proper level and using an intercultural approach. Conclusions. The importance of the research lies in forming system of German as a minor language for learning it in Russian schools and in the even distribution of power and time while teaching German as a minor language.
- Keywords:
- methodology, German as a minor language, English as a major language, training and methodology complex “Horisonte”, methodological typology, grammar content, secondary school, typology
Application of Digital Technologies in Preschool Education. Storytelling Technology for Learning English
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Inga V. Dziuina
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article examines the modern capabilities of using digital technologies in the preschool education system. The use of these digital technologies under present-day conditions is simply necessary due to the fact that preschoolers today represent a new generation, for which the use of various gadgets and applications is an everyday routine. It is outlined that the use of digital technologies in the education system and the provision of diversity in teaching methods, changing activities and the development of children’s desire to master virtual tools and teaching methods contributes to increasing children’s interest in the learning process and develops their motivation in educational activities. The article focuses on the relevance of the use of digital storytelling technology in the study of English by preschoolers. The author of the article comes to the conclusion about the effectiveness of this technology, talks about the stages of preparation for the successful implementation and use of storytelling technology in English lessons, and also offers resources that will help teachers to implement the technology in the educational process. The author shows the advantages of using digital storytelling technology, makes recommendations on its combination with other educational technologies in order to ensure the diversity in pedagogical approaches being used as well as to improve the learning of material and maintain the constant cognitive interest of preschoolers in the English language.
- Keywords:
- preschool education, digital technologies, lesson, storytelling, learning English, method of teaching
Opportunities to Optimize Social and Psychological Adaptation of Elementary School Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Elena Y. Borisova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The results of testing the model of psychological and pedagogical support for elementary school children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities who are studying in inclusive education are presented in the article. The main target groups and activities of specialists within the framework of the implementation of this model are identified, and the possibilities of using applied behavior analysis in the organization of support are determined. The importance of interaction of all subjects of the educational environment in creating the conditions necessary for successful socialization of children is updated. Research methods and materials: observation, comparison, analysis of testing the model of psychological and pedagogical support for children with intellectual disabilities. Testing was carried out on the basis of 7 educational organizations in Yoshkar-Ola and rural settlements of the Republic of Mari El. The study involved elementary school children studying in a resource class at a secondary school. Methods of assessment and schemes for identifying the level of social and psychological adaptation of elementary school children are reviewed. Research result. Positive dynamics of indicators of social and psychological adaptation could be observed. The following indicators were improved: emotional and volitional sphere, behavior in general, interaction with peers. All those components characterize the emotional and behavioral components of social competence. It is concluded that testing the model of psychological and pedagogical support for school children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities, based on the cooperation of all subjects of the educational environment, is effective and advantageous.
- Keywords:
- social adaptation, inclusive education, social competence, socialization, elementary school children with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder
The Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching Economics to Students in Basic School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Timofey A. Vasilenko
- Work direction:
- Education System in Russia
- Abstract:
- The author of the article outlines that the problem of teaching methods is one of the most important in pedagogical science and practice of school teaching, since teaching methods are the main tools with which a tutor teaches the basics of science to students, develops their cognitive abilities, ensures personal development and forms a scientific worldview. The article formulates the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process. The pedagogical experiment of using ICT in teaching economics to primary school children is described. The purpose of the research is to form economic knowledge in primary school children using information and communication technologies. Method of research. The following methods were used in the study: comparison, analysis, observation and experiment. The experiment was conducted among 24 schoolchildren who were divided into a control and experimental group. A variety of ICTs were used: an interactive whiteboard, reference and multimedia Internet resources, social networks, various messengers, presentations made in the Microsoft Power Point program, as well as using the Prezi service. Research result. In the control group, the average level of economic knowledge increased by more than 40%. The number of schoolchildren with an average and high level of economic knowledge in the experimental group increased by 3 and 2.5 times. Conclusions are made about the possibility of using ICT in teaching economics to school children.
- Keywords:
- information and communication technologies, education, teaching economics, basic school, pedagogical experiment
Organization of Project Work of Elementary Schoolchildren in Familiarization With Traditional Festive Treats in Popular Culture
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Natalya A. Zhestkova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The author of the article pays special attention to the project method that has great potential for the formation of a certain system of intellectual skills and practical skills in schoolchildren, which contribute to the mastery of the activity component of the education content. It is outlined that the use of the project method in working with elementary schoolchildren implies four stages: organizational and preparatory, technological, generalizing, reflexive. It is also emphasized that the specificity of the implementation of each stage, due to the age characteristics of the schoolchildren, involves leadership in the joint search for the problem and the choice of ways to solve it; ensuring that every child is included in the planning and performance criteria for product development, consistent implementation and adequate evaluation; organization of reflexive work on understanding the process and results of individual and group productive and creative activities at organizational, preparatory, technological and generalizing stages; management of the project product design and evaluation processes. Methods. On the example of the creative project “Traditional festive treats in popular culture”, practical recommendations for organizing the project work of elementary schoolchildren as a mental prediction of what will then be created in the form of a project product, independent planning and time-fixed achievement of the goal are presented. Results. It was concluded that in elementary school age, project activities are a way of pedagogically organized development of the surrounding reality by the child, therefore its success is largely determined by the level of methodological preparation of the teacher.
- Keywords:
- project, project activity, stages of project product creation, conditions of successful project activity of elementary schoolchildren
Priorities for designing digital school education in the modern social situation
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Elena E. Kapkova
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- The article considers the relevance and relevance of designing digital education in schools, taking into account the positive trends and risks of the impact of the current social situation on the education and development of students. The main priorities and directions in the activity of the teaching staff when updating the educational environment of the school in the era of digital technologies are revealed. The results of experimental work in solving the tasks of the Federal project "Grandchildren of Tsiolkovsky", within the framework of the national program "Digital economy", are presented and characterized.
- Keywords:
- information and communication technologies, digital school education, design of digitization of the school environment, socialization of students in the digital age, digital literacy of teachers, digital competence of schoolchildren
Using the focal object method for development creativity of school children in digital learning
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Mikhail I. Filippov
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The features of the method of focal objects in the implementation of digital education at school are characterized. The demand for the development of creativity of students is justified, taking into account the trends in the expansion of the information and educational environment, computer resources and tools in modern society. The possibilities of the methodological support of the teacher’s practical classes in technological disciplines in the digital age are disclosed. The results of the experiment on the federal project "Grandchildren Tsiolkovsky" in the national program "Digital Economy" are presented.
- Keywords:
- design, Internet resources, digital school education, focal object method, students' creativity, educational information environment
Factors of occurrence and strategies for resolving conflicts between students of higher medical school.
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Arina V. Balan
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- Depending on the individual personal characteristics of each group member norms of behavior are formed within the group: what is considered acceptable to one may not be acceptable to another. Emotional comfort in the system of relationships between colleagues occurs when there is mutual sympathy. Neurotic pathological relationships lead to conflict. The purpose of the article is to consider the factors of development of conflict interaction between students of higher medical school, exit strategies.Research methods: theoretical.
- Keywords:
- society, conflict, team, students of higher medical school, relationships, doctors
The social aspect of the use of remote technologies in the elementary school
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Natalia N. Barzhanova
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The socio-educational problems of the organization of primary education in modern conditions are characterized. The main approaches to the substantive and methodological support of distance learning at school are disclosed to support students and their parents at a critical moment in the life of society. The experience of teachers who have mobilized and successfully adapted the resources of electronic learning platforms, digital and computer mechanisms and technologies for the development of educational competencies, social and personal experience of primary school students is described.
- Keywords:
- information and communication technologies, distance learning, primary education, socialization of students in the digital age, online platforms, computer tools, organizational and methodological assistance to the development of competencies of primary school st
Questions of teaching traffic rules in educational and training programs of primary schools
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Igor V. Stepanov, Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Vitalii V. Stepanovskikh
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и ДО
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the principles and methods of activity of General education institutions for teaching younger students safe behavior on the roads, through regular and out-of-hours activities.
- Keywords:
- traffic rules, children's road traffic injuries, legal education and safety culture, organization of road safety culture in primary schools
Proforientatsionnaia deiatel'nost' v sovremennykh usloviiakh: formy i metody privlecheniia budushchikh studentov
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Baldzhia B. Diakieva, Aria A. Andreeva, Danara V. Bembinova, Vladislav V. Selninov, Vladimir A. Statsenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 2. Современные образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- The article deals with career guidance activity of FSBEI of HE “Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov” on the example of the speciality “Journalism” in the system of additional higher education. The influence on the formation of early professional orientation of high school students is studied on the specific form of work of the School of Young Journalists (SYJ). SYJ is considered one of the most effective means of developing students' media educational practice. The forms and methods of work with students are presented, as well as the significant role of classes in SYJ in the socialization and personal growth of students is defined.
- Keywords:
- students, Kalmyk State University, career guidance work, school of young journalist, social and personal success