List of publications on a keyword: «system»
Ecosystem as a Tool of Consumer Loyalty in Russia
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Authors:
- Nina V. Trubnikova, Kseniia A. Chursina
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The chapter considers the main approaches to consumer loyalty in the realities of modern marketing. taking into account innovative methods and tools. Today, the mechanisms of loyalty formation are becoming more complex and motivation factors are shifting from economic to communication. An innovative approach is considered in detail, when the ecosystem is considered as a unique format for the complex solution of most tasks related to the formation of loyalty. The experience of the leading Russian ecosystems of Yandex and Sberbank in the formation of loyalty is analyzed, recommendations for the introduction of ecosystem models in client-oriented companies are formulated.
- Keywords:
- motivation, digital marketing, ecosystem, consumer loyalty, customer orientation
Economic Ecosystems in the Environmental Security Strategies of Russia and Belarus
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Valerii V. Kotilko
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the reflection of the new economic ecosystem in the country's environmental strategies, strengthening the section on the mechanism of its implementation in practice, improving specifications and indicators reflecting the concept of «environmental safety» and diversification, as well as changing the approach to regional environmental safety indicators.
- Keywords:
- indicators, sustainability of the economic ecosystem, environmental security, spatial security, structure of eco-strategies, specifications, regional environmental indicators
Organization of the Activities of Public Authorities in the Field of Solid Municipal Waste Management in Primorsky Krai
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Aleksandr S. Shpak
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The problem of improving the areas of activity of state authorities for the treatment of municipal solid waste in the Primorsky Region is being updated in the chapter of the monograph. Based on the results obtained, options for solving problems are proposed.
- Keywords:
- and phrases: environmental security, municipal solid waste (MSW), organization of activities in the field of MSW management, regional system of collection, accumulation and disposal of MSW
Model of Educational Ecosystem of Professional Training of Social Sphere Specialists
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Anastasiia A. Semeno
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The implementation of the proposed requirements is of particular importance for the professional development of social work specialists, since the problems of social work practice are primarily the problems of people who need help to overcome them, they should be the focus of the entire educational program for training social workers at the institute. Knowledge of the laws of social design, skills and proficiency in tools for developing and evaluating the effectiveness of social projects, understanding their importance for solving urgent social problems form the necessary competencies of professional social workers. The chapter of the monograph presents a model of the educational ecosystem of professional training of social work specialists.
- Keywords:
- design, professional training, social sphere, model, educational ecosystem, social work specialists
Upbringing, Additional Education and Professional Orientation as the Most Important Elements of Modern Education
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- In the chapter of the monograph, upbringing, additional education and professional orientation of Russian schoolchildren is considered as an activity aimed at personal development through the creation of conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of traditional socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values and modern educational technologies.
- Keywords:
- individual educational route, personal education, system of additional education, professional self-determination of schoolchildren, full-time school
Formation and Development of an Educational Ecosystem for People with Disabilities
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Iuliia I. Platonova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- The chapter of the monograph is devoted to the consideration of the prospects for building educational ecosystems for people with disabilities. New requirements for the system of education of persons with disabilities in modern conditions have been determined, directions for the development of digitalization in education have been identified. The author analyzes new reserves in the training of people with disabilities to understand this historical time, systemic activity in the context of increased interaction, inclusion, new competencies, professional behavior and responsibility in the learning process. The chapter considers the integration processes in the education of persons with disabilities, the implementation of inclusive educational programs, including remotely, the opportunities and prospects for them to receive higher statuses, and a general improvement in their quality of life.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, digitalization, inclusion, educational ecosystem, people with disabilities, information accessibility of education
The Role of Medical Educational Ecosystems in the Development of “Flexible Skills” According to Doctors, Students and Teachers of a Medical University
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Authors:
- Oleg V. Sudakov, Dmitrii V. Sudakov
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the study of the role of educational ecosystems and medical educational ecosystems in the development of «soft skills», according to students, doctors and teachers of a medical university. The topic is very relevant in view of the fact that in recent years there has been an active development of educational ecosystems. And, despite the fact that approaches to the educational process and many requirements for specialists change from time to time, the concept of «flexible skills» remains very relevant, including for educators and medicine, and even more so for doctors involved in the training of young professionals. The objects of the study were 150 people, men and women, divided into 3 groups of 50 subjects, depending on belonging to a particular community. Group 1 included 50 medical students enrolled in the 4th year of the medical faculty of VGMU N.N. Burdenko. The second group included 50 practicing physicians of the VRCH №1 of various specialties (both surgical and therapeutic). Group 3 included employees of various departments from among the teaching staff of the VGMU N.N. Burdenko. The basis of the study was an anonymous questionnaire developed by the authors, which includes both some personal questions – age and work experience, and specifically aimed at determining the level of awareness of the respondents about educational ecosystems and medical educational ecosystems, about the level of knowledge about «soft skills», with ranking from more significant to less significant for their practical activities, as well as including issues of satisfaction with the current education system and opportunities for improved mastery of «soft skills» through educational ecosystems. The data obtained can significantly help in understanding the importance of modern educational ecosystems and medical educational ecosystems for better and faster mastering of soft skills.
- Keywords:
- soft skills, student, educational ecosystem, doctor, medical educational ecosystem
On Increasing the Role of Rao and Regional Scientific Centers of Rao in Training Personnel for Regional Educational and Scientific Organizations
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 14
- Abstract:
- The modern stage of the development of the national education system and Russian science has actualized a number of important issues requiring systematic analysis and comprehensive solutions presented in the chapter of the monograph. The priorities in training personnel for educational and scientific organizations in the regions of the Russian Federation are a fundamental approach to the study of disciplines, practical orientation, education of respect for national history, the state language and traditions, the personality of the teacher and the student; awareness of the responsibility and importance of Russian education, consideration of advanced ideas and demands of society. The fundamental nature of personnel training has always been combined with high requirements for the mission of teaching staff – people of high scientific, methodological, moral and universal culture.
- Keywords:
- professional development system, career growth, teacher remuneration, reproduction of highly qualified personnel, dissertation councils, postgraduate programs, academic migration, jobs in universities, regional practices, qualified personnel, targeted training tools
Psychological and pedagogical aspects of management in the education system of the penal system
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region- Author:
- Timur R. Sakhautdinov
- Work direction:
- Психологические аспекты социально-педагогического сопровождения детей и подростков разных категорий в образовательном процессе
- Abstract:
- The article deals with topical issues of the development of psychological and pedagogical support for teaching staff in educational institutions of the penal system. It seems to be an urgent and promising direction to create the necessary situations for the professional education of persons serving sentences in the form of imprisonment, to improve educational work with convicts, to preserve and strengthen the working personnel of the penitentiary system. In accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 03/24/2020 No. 59 "On approval of the Procedure for the organization of vocational education and secondary vocational education of persons who are sentenced to imprisonment and serving sentences in institutions of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation", the necessity of obtaining vocational education and secondary vocational education by convicts is justified. Vocational education has a huge creative potential, and ..
- Keywords:
- vocational education, penal enforcement system, resocialization, convict, special agent
Managing the Development of the Region’s Road Infrastructure: A Methodological Approach to Assessing the Effectiveness of Its Development
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oksana E. Ivanova, Mariia A. Luchino
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- Modern road infrastructure is crucial for the socio-economic development of the region. The article discusses the management system of the region's road infrastructure, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of its development. It is concluded that the available methodological tools do not fully allow to assess the effectiveness of the development of the road infrastructure of the region and its compliance with the needs of the region, therefore it is necessary to further improve it
- Keywords:
- road infrastructure, assessment of the level of development of the road infrastructure of the region, the management system of the road infrastructure of the region, socio-economic development of the region, management of the development of road infrastructure
Formation of Modern Platforms to Support Youth Entrepreneurship
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Author:
- Alla I. Popova
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства
- Abstract:
- The preparation of young people for entrepreneurship at the stage of education in the University should contribute to the creation of an effective system of training personnel for the field of youth entrepreneurship, which will contribute to the creation of new jobs, the formation of a class of civilized entrepreneurs, and solving social problems at the regional and local levels.
- Keywords:
- Youth entrepreneurship, training system
Public Control as a Tool of Public Management of the Education System in Russia
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Olga B. Chernenko, Iuliia P. Mamontova, Aleksandra A. Kuzmenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- In modern conditions of public administration of the education system the issues of transparency and accountability to the public sector as the main subject of governance in democratic states play a primary role. Public control is an effective tool for transforming public administration into public administration, including in the field of education. In the study the authors present the stages of development of public control, a classification of methods of its implementation, and most importantly, based on a structural analysis of the problems of the modern period of development of public control in the field of education, ways to overcome them and transition to a qualitatively new level of management of the education system under the principle of transparency are proposed.
- Keywords:
- public administration, public control, the education system, the sphere of Russian education, transparency, publicity
The history of Russian education: "through thorns to the stars"
ProceedingDevelopment of Modern Competencies of Teachers and Students through the Study and Popularization of the Traditional Culture of the Peoples of the Russian Federation- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Теория и история традиционной культуры народов России
- Abstract:
- The article systematically describes the historical experience of the emergence and development of the Russian education system from the time of Kievan Rus to the end of the XIX century. In the conditions of modernization of domestic education, scientific interest in the history of the education system is increasing in order to creatively apply in educational practice the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of our ancestors accumulated over centuries. Historical experience can contribute to improving the quality of training of young specialists in the field of pedagogy and management of the education system.
- Keywords:
- reforming the educational system, achievements of domestic education, historical educational practices, traditional educational ties of Russia with the former republics of the Soviet Union
The System of Extracurricular Activities on the Example of Primary General Education
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Author:
- Tatiana A. Barzykina
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The chapter summarizes the experience of studying the historical stages of the formation of extracurricular activities in education, and gives its characteristics. The elements of extracurricular activities, the mechanism of their implementation on the basis of the current regulatory framework are systematized. The assessment of the importance of extracurricular activities of primary general education is given. The author's development of the program of extracurricular activities of the general cultural direction «Magic needle» is given.
- Keywords:
- extracurricular activities, extracurricular activity system, work program, primary general education
Testing as an Effective Method for Assessing the Quality of Students' Training Achievements
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Larisa V. Sokolova, Alla V. Molchanova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Electronic educational resources including testing, which simplify the process of searching and structuring educational information have been used more often in educational organizations recently. They have made learning more accessible and interesting for students of higher and vocational education institutions, especially in the context of a pandemic. The article provides a brief theoretical justification of the advantages of testing students' academic achievements. The emphasis is placed on the importance of testing as a tool for remote control of students' knowledge, the advantages and disadvantages of using tests both in the educational process of higher and secondary vocational education and in order to control the acquired knowledge are revealed. The study was carried out by the authors on the basis of a comprehensive use of theoretical and empirical methods. The leading theoretical methods were: analysis, generalization, concretization, forecasting, modeling. The work used such empirical methods as conversations, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, expert evaluation, testing, analysis of performance, generalization of pedagogical experience, methods of statistical processing of experimental data. The results presented in the article of the study of testing of students of MPSU at the initial (entrance test), current and final stage of measuring the level of educational achievements of students demonstrated an increase in the values of the effectiveness of testing at all stages of its implementation, an increase in the effectiveness of test control at the intermediate and final stages of the study. The results of the study made it possible to formulate promising directions for the development of problems of testing the quality of education of students of higher and professional education organizations: improving the forms and methods of analysis and interpretation of test results based on the invariant application of test models: improving the psychological and pedagogical orientation of the use of the testing algorithm for personalized learning trajectories in the practice of mass education, etc.
- Keywords:
- testing, evaluation, knowledge quality, training achievements, remote knowledge control, modular rating system for evaluating the quality of education
Open Resources in the Process Management of an Educational Organization in the Context of Integration and Inclusion
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Alica Vančová, Terézia Harčaríková, Ildan G. Idiyatullin, Mongush N. Chochagay
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The formation of a digital education space is an important moment for the development of the education system in the modern world. The article analyzes the problems of ensuring the security of information technologies in the management of the educational process of organizations, the risks and threats of open Internet resources in the context of integration and inclusion. It is proposed to identify the process of forming digital mentors in a pandemic Covid time as a safe expert space that can reduce risks and threats. Materials and Methods. Using the method of descriptive analysis of datasets voluntarily made publicly available on the Internet by educational organisations allowed the authors to investigate examples of large-scale projects of virtual schools in the formats of exchange models for information subscribers and system integrators. The issues of ensuring the safety of underage users, legal shortcomings of access and protection of Internet consumers of open educational resources were discussed. Results. The study has shown that the evidence from innovative processes of developing and producing open educational resources is complex, context-specific and difficult to generalise. Such initiatives require significant organisational change, including external partners of educational organisations and stakeholders with different cultures and educational practices. The authors highlight the use of benchmarking technology as a tool for the quality of intellectual integrations and the effectiveness of educational activities as a whole as an important condition for the success of the processes taking place. In the context of the research, the authors raise the issue of computer addiction among pupils and students and their safe interaction with multifaceted information online, drawing attention to the need for legal and educational measures for online safety, which should be planned and implemented in the educational organisation on a regular basis. Open educational resource OER initiatives are related to institutional change and require appropriate pedagogical and psychological approaches and legal support to help all actors in the educational space adapt to changes in the IT culture. The materials of this article will be useful to specialists and educational managers, including inclusive education, in developing prospective strategies for digital education and models for the development, production and maintenance of open educational resources.
- Keywords:
- integration, information technology, open resource security, control management system, inclusion, benchmarking
Managing the Provision of Advanced Level of Education as a Condition for the Innovative Development of the Russian Economy
Book ChapterEconomics: Issues, Strategy, Monitoring- Author:
- Svetlana N. Sporykhina
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The paper considers the relation between giving a proactive character to the education system and the requirements of modern social and economic social processes. The stages of managing the process of creating a system of advanced education are described, a scheme for managing advanced education is developed.
- Keywords:
- education, advanced education, advanced education system, elements of advanced education system
Development of Model of Proactive Management of Refineries' Equipment Restoration
Book ChapterEconomics: Issues, Strategy, Monitoring- Author:
- Olesia V. Tomazova
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- The article considers the topic of maintenance of equipment in a working condition in the activities of oil producing enterprises. The exploitation of the means of labor takes place in difficult mining, geological and climatic conditions. Ensuring the reliability and efficiency of the surface and underground equipment operation is a priority task for the oil producing enterprises of the Russian Federation. In modern economic conditions, there is a need to improve the efficiency of work on the restoration of equipment.
- Keywords:
- oil and gas production enterprise, proactivity, equipment, control system
Development of the Russian Education System: Regional Practices
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The author considers the regional aspects of the development of the national education system as a factor and resource of the economic and socio-cultural development of the Russian Federation. The main trends of sustainable development of Russian regions and regional educational systems are identified.
- Keywords:
- higher education, education, regional development, digitalization of education, educational systems, organization of preschool education, modernization of the infrastructure of educational organizations, support of rural schools, system of identification and support of gifted children, creation of models of state management of general education, development of the system of secondary vocational education, provision of the education system with personnel, support of scientific and innovative activities
The Practice of Implementing Work Programs of Education in Educational Organizations of the Chuvash Republic
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 3- Author:
- Galina V. Nikolaeva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to present the practical experience of educational organizations of the Chuvash Republic in bringing the basic educational programs into compliance with the requirements of the Law on Education No. 273-FZ (as amended on July 31, 2020), in particular, on the development and implementation of the work program of education and the calendar plan of educational work as an integral part of the basic educational program to the pedagogical community; to describe the mechanism of organizational and managerial, informational, methodological support of educational activities of educational organizations of the Chuvash Republic. Methods. The study of the dynamics of the readiness of educational organizations of the Chuvash Republic to implement work programs of education was carried out using a comparative comprehensive analysis based on the results of monitoring studies, the compilation of ratings of educational organizations, discussions. Results. The need for organizational, managerial, informational, methodological support of the activities of educational organizations for the development of work programs of education and calendar plans of educational work led to the development of a republican model of methodological support of educational activities. Local activities, as well as the distributed responsibility of the subjects of the republican education system, including methodological support systems, for the preparation of teaching teams for the development and implementation of work programs of education and calendar plans of educational work, provided quantitative and qualitative indicators of the readiness of the regional education system to implement educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Education No. 273-FZ (as amended on July 31, 2020). Conclusion. The conducted research revealed the existence of an appropriate level of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the readiness of the education system of the Chuvash Republic to implement educational tasks and determined the further direction of its development - methodological support of educational activities of educational organizations, ensuring the quality of this area of work.
- Keywords:
- education, personality development, universal values, the activity nature of upbringing, the unity of scheduled and extracurricular activities, a systematic approach, the structure of the main educational program, the steering educational program, the calendar plan of educational work
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Nadezhda I. Portnova, Angelina O. Starichenko, Irina A. Pogodina
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article deals with scientific approaches and prospects for the development of distance education in the preschool education system.
- Keywords:
- preschool education, preschoolers, distance education, distance education in the preschool education system
Mesto i rol' sovremennoi sistemy fizkul'turno-ozdorovitel'noi raboty v formirovanii chelovecheskogo kapitala v obshcheobrazovatel'nykh shkolakh Rossii
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Sergei N. Blinkov, Sergei P. Levushkin
- Work direction:
- Chapter 9
- Abstract:
- The analysis of literature sources on the theory of systems and the system of physical culture and recreation activities in the conditions of a general education school is carried out. It is revealed that this system is a multi-component type of activity, including the staffing of specialists of physical culture and health and medical profile, namely, physical education teachers and medical personnel. Of great importance for the existence and development of the system is the material and technical base of the sports and recreation profile, the development of extracurricular activities with a sufficient set of sports sections and the conduct of extracurricular activities and sports competitions. The development of the human potential of the younger generation in terms of physical education should be based on taking into account the individual typological characteristics of schoolchildren. It is shown that half of the national projects directly contribute to the development of the human potential of the younger generation and their implementation through the introduction of a system of physical culture and recreation work in secondary schools will help to preserve and strengthen the health of children and adolescents, both at present and in later adulthood.
- Keywords:
- schoolchildren, strategy, system, national projects, general education school, sports and recreation work
Problemy organizatsii predostavleniia obshchedostupnogo doshkol'nogo obrazovaniia v munitsipal'noi sisteme obrazovaniia
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Aleksandr S. Shpak
- Work direction:
- Chapter 11
- Abstract:
- The problem of improving the directions of activity of municipal authorities on organizing the provision of publicly available preschool education in preschool educational institutions in the territory of the urban district is actualized. Based on the results obtained, options for solving the problems of public preschool education are proposed on the example of the Ussuriysk urban district.
- Keywords:
- public preschool education, municipal preschool education system, coverage of children with preschool education, preschool education programs, systemogram of the problem area
Place and role of regional banks in the financial system of the Russian Federation
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Author:
- Nikita V. Starkov
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- Annotation. In this article, the author examines the place and role of regional banks in the financial system of Russia. The strengths and weaknesses of regional banks have been analyzed. In addition, the structure of the regional banking system is considered. The author proposes directions for the development of the regional banking system, which will contribute not only to the development of the financial system of the region, but also to the development of the financial system of the entire country as a whole.
- Keywords:
- region, financial system, bank, banking system of the region
Features of Legal Regulation of Cryptocurrency Turnover in Foreign Countries
ProceedingDigital Transformation of State and Municipal Governance- Authors:
- Oleg G. Solovev, Mikhail A. Malakhov
- Work direction:
- Роль государства в развитии цифровых технологий и вопросы правового регулирования их применения
- Abstract:
- The article examines the legal regimes of some developed countries in the field of digital assets functioning, examines the positive and negative aspects of regulatory regulation of operations with cryptocurrency. The authors point out the lack of a unified approach to determining the legal status of digital assets in various jurisdictions, and note the need to develop a consolidated legal position in countering the criminal turnover of cryptocurrency.
- Keywords:
- bitcoin, payment system, blockchain, economic activity, financial assets, digital assets, virtual currency, cryptocurrency, legal operations, criminal operations